Chiliphil1 said:
Nitrobattery said:
This is the Pink Taco. It's like a 20watt Plexi. Really, really cool amp. I ended up selling it because the Splawn kind of has me covered in that area....but I do sort of kick myself for letting it go. I'll pick up another one eventually.
Man, that means I've gotta ask you a question. How would you compare the Friedman to the Splawn? And which model Splawn do you have? I had a nitro for a while and it did sound nice really thick and heavy tone but there was something to the character that I just wasn't in to. If the Friedman is very comparable to that I may end up not liking it.
Thanks for the info.
The Splawn pictured here is a Quick Rod. I had a Nitro for a while, but I too ended up selling it. It was cool and kind of a JCM800/Dual Rectifier hybrid...but I far prefer the Quick Rods that I've owned. The Quick Rod does the hot-rodded Plexi and hot-rodded JCM800 tones wonderfully. Less rumble than the Nitro, but still plenty of low end. Unlike the Nitro though, the mids and top end are infinitely more musical and the gain structure is way tighter and less saturated.
The Friedman sounds a lot like the Quick Rod. It's just a really awesome sounding modded Marshall Plexi circuit...and don't let the 20 watts fool you. It can get more than loud enough to gig with, and it lets you get that dimed Plexi sound without having to be so insanely loud that you peel the paint off of the walls.
I ended up selling the Friedman to fund some more recording gear, but I sort of kick myself for it. It's an awesome amp. I'll definitely pick up another one at some point. If you're into Marshalls, you'll love the Friedman.