My wishes to Santa for a MARK V b if that ever is thinkable

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Well-known member
Dec 23, 2010
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Actually not that much

4 Channels-->in order to Seperate Tweed from Channel 1
-->Make me 2 Mark I's that I can user one clean,one cranked and switch by pedal
-->More MarkII and Mark IV modes

(or 3 channels and each can be swiched in 4 not 3 modes if still this gives me 2 Mark I's)

A recording out where I dont need the speaker impendance

After removing of front panel no wood plate behind for easier tube swap

Sometimes dreams come through sometimes never

There already was a Mark Vb wishlist thread: the end of the day, when all is said and done, Progressive Linkage still remains my biggest #1 unfulfilled wish. I would be willing to sacrifice a lot for it. I simply can't decisively choose between 6L6s and EL34s... channel 1 so much better with 6L6s, channel 2 is so much better with EL34s. And channel 3? I want EL34s and 6L6s simultaneously there.

Of course I could just buy an extra MkV head, set one up with 6L6s and the other with EL34s, and then A/B/Y switch between them... :lol:
But Progressive Linkage would a bit more convenient.