My new rig

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Well-known member
Jun 26, 2006
Reaction score
Brisbane, Australia

I'm struggling here... I used my Ernie Ball Jr. Volume and my Boss TU-2 to split the signal into the 3 amps. I didn't really like it to be honest, but I might retry again tomorrow. Getting all 3 amps to work together and have a good sound when played at the same time is tough.

However my next move was to ditch the Road King and run the Dual Rectifier and the AD30 into a Recto cab each, and then run those 2 into the orange (in stereo). I didn't really like that either. Both amps sounded too similar.

I also tried running the DR into the Orange cab and the AD30 into the Recto cab and once again I got a sound from both amps that are too similar.

It saddens me to say this, but I think my ultimate rig is running the Dual Rectifier and the AD30 into their matching cabs, and just a/b/y-ing the signal. *sigh*

Any suggestions for what else I can try?
listen to "Shotgun" for the sound I'm going for. Keep in mind its only a rough recording and the sound is quite a bit sharper in person.
Very cool! Keep experimenting. It's tough using more than one amp and cab, but if you can figure it out then it's worth it. You might need an amp switcher and midi setup or something...
Never!! I dont intend on using the amps separately, but if i do, I have the ability to mute one or the other amp. But that's only to create more impact when the 2nd one kicks back in. I'm going to go and reset my amps to achieve different sounds from the 3 Quads set-up

Unfortunately this is the set-up that sounds the best :( Its so plain and boring!!! I really like it when everything fits perfectly like a nice big box like in the other pic. The sizes are uneven in this one!! Not as cool! My bass rig is perfectly square. Why can't my guitar rig match? :lol:
hey dude how are you going?

Have you tired a Amp Spliter. Thingo??ahah Radial make it and i have forgotten whats it's called.

you could spilt you signal out of your two your two amp's FX loop?? then return it two both amp's as a stereo signal??

That way you could split your sounds but run two cabs for a massive wall of huge.

Guitar---Y spliter - AD30
RECTO ========== FX loop out A/b Switch Y split into FX return power amp Then Cab's.

you could add a 3rd cab and you road king plus A/B/C switch if you relly want but that seems like over kill even for me.ahah

Hope this make some sence.

But thats how i would run your rig.
Areola said:
i think i get what you're saying Shep, but there is no FX loop on the Orange

Dam thats a pain in the Ass. maybe you could get it modded to have a FX loop. But thats getting abit full on.

You could try a Radial headbone???

Radial makes a rack-mount device that can drive up to 7 amps at once. Might be a tad overkill for just running 3, but maybe worth looking into?
I've decided I'm going to go with the 2 amp set-up in the 2nd pic.

Just because I'm going to start doing vocals as well, and I don't want to get overly complicated. The way its set up at the moment gives me a good range of sounds anyway. The big thing I'm after though, is NOT switching between 3 amps. It's about running multiple amps simultaneously so I can utilise the best parts out of each amp and make a super fat tone.

Also, Shep.. I wouldnt taint the brilliance of a Class A amp by modding it.
yeah man... i had it listed for sale about 2 weeks ago. I pulled it because I plugged my guitar into it and I fell back in love. Once I figured out my current rig set-up. I will never go back. I'd rather sell my Road King, even though its #33 and it was the first amp I ever bought. As much sentiment as it has, I can't let go of the other 2 now.

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