My New LSS is Going Back to GC Today - :(

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Well-known member
Jul 27, 2006
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I was psych'd with the acquisition of my new LSS/AAA Front Panel 1x12 Combo this week.

However, when I cranked it up this weekend, the cabinet rattled horribly, and even at moderate volumes there seemed to be what I can only describe as a high pitched ring - noticeable after ever strum or string pluck -- I am guessing tube rattle.

Furthermore, I took it to my church on Sunday and it was really buried in the mix (even mic'd -- the sound guy's fault here, no doubt). But I remember my 1st LSS had no problem stayng in the mix (even unmic'd) in this same setting....It's a rather small stage and not a very large room.

Most dissapointing, however, is this cabinet & tube rattle, Ugh!!! :cry:

Any ideas, before I make a huge mistake?
I've gotten some weird noises out of my amp after bringing them home from the store

a preamp tube was the culprit

wondered if these tubes are this testy, how do people tour with tube amps, then again, I wasn't really letting the amp cool down, it was just
"I'll take it"...grab it and go

specially if you are losing lead tone...this if the first place I'd check, if you want to keep the amp
Hi Jazz,
I know that situation well, as I have seen many amps come out of the box with this kind of thing,
Isaw your amp on previous posts and it looks killer, I have a LSS black with tan grill and amahogany front pannel.
If I were you,
I would tighten up everything on the cab, not to the point of sinking the screws and washers into the wood but making sure theres nothing loose, tighten up the speaker to the baffle, again dont torque it down, you might twist the basket, ALSO, there is a little black phillips head screw sticking down out of the underside of the chasis where the tubes are, this is a tension screw to keep the chassis from vibrating, make sure this is tight, lastly, sub out the v1 tube with a 12ax7 you know is good.
I know it sounds like alot of work but just judging by the look of your amp, it would seem worth it.
It might not be cabinet or tube rattle. I had the exact same thing happen to me. Cabinet was fine, tubes were fine, and it still made the noise when I plugged it into different speakers. Nobody could figure out what was wrong or why it was doing it.

Just have them order you a new one.
Talus said:
It might not be cabinet or tube rattle. I had the exact same thing happen to me. Cabinet was fine, tubes were fine, and it still made the noise when I plugged it into different speakers. Nobody could figure out what was wrong or why it was doing it.

Just have them order you a new one.

Tried all of the above no avail, same problem. So it's going back. I am done with the LSS, I'm going woth the 5:50 for my low watt option.

It's too bad, as I really dig the vibe of the LSS.

Thanks for all the feedback.
Hey Jazzgear would you say the 5:50 can go into recto territory? On a scale of 1-10 how would you rate the cleans? Sorry to hear about your dissapointment.
This may sound stupid but sometimes it's something else in the room that's rattling. I've had this happen on a couple occasions; I start playing and there seems to be a rattle coming from my amp. I check it all out and can't find the problem. I play again and finally realise that some other object(s) in the room are vibrating from the sound of the amp and rattling.

With the noise of the amp, you can't really tell where the rattle is actually coming from.
cant play pool with a rop said:
Hey Jazzgear would you say the 5:50 can go into recto territory? On a scale of 1-10 how would you rate the cleans? Sorry to hear about your dissapointment.

Of course, I test drove this amp in an open music store (small store at that), so I couldn't really crank the lead channel. Like I aforementioned, the lead/burn channel is very reminiscent of a Mark IV, but still has that F-50 fury to it may very well get into recto territory with at least a 2x12 cab (I don't think you'll get ther with the 1x12).

The cleans I'd rate right there with the Lonestar, perhaps a point or two below -- but only for the lack of options as avail in the Lonestars. I currently have an F-50 I've had on loan from GC since I placed my Mark IV order..and I feel the F-50 had the best Mesa cleans until surplanted by the LSC & LSS. The Express 5:50 cleans are better than the F-50, and the reverb is on par with the LSC.

I highly recommend the 5:50 amp. Given the target of the amp (the lower price range of the Boogie Line), I'd rate this amp a perfect 10 for the cleans....can't really give a grade on the lead/burn because I couldn't open it up.....and this is an area I reserve judgement until I can't try in rehearsal or a gig.

I returned the LSS and ordered the 5:50 :D
Lone Star State said:
This may sound stupid but sometimes it's something else in the room that's rattling. I've had this happen on a couple occasions; I start playing and there seems to be a rattle coming from my amp. I check it all out and can't find the problem. I play again and finally realise that some other object(s) in the room are vibrating from the sound of the amp and rattling.

With the noise of the amp, you can't really tell where the rattle is actually coming from.

Nah, not in this rattled in my Living Room, nd it rattled at my church....and rattled at GC when I showed the sales person.....

Like the old adage "If it walks and quacks like a ......., then it's a.....? :wink:
But what else do ducks do? They float....

What else floats? Wood, wood floats...

(I know I have it all screwed up but someone will get the reference and more than likely correct me here)
I had some rattle on my 1 x 12 LSC that was coming from the 5th tube...but I found as the amp watmed up, it went away. Sorry to hear your bringing it back, it wAs a visually stunning amp.
Funny the guy buying the Express here in Richmond had problems with his LSS also....

I was psych'd with the acquisition of my new LSS/AAA Front Panel 1x12 Combo this week.

However, when I cranked it up this weekend, the cabinet rattled horribly, and even at moderate volumes there seemed to be what I can only describe as a high pitched ring - noticeable after ever strum or string pluck -- I am guessing tube rattle.

Furthermore, I took it to my church on Sunday and it was really buried in the mix (even mic'd -- the sound guy's fault here, no doubt). But I remember my 1st LSS had no problem stayng in the mix (even unmic'd) in this same setting....It's a rather small stage and not a very large room.

Most dissapointing, however, is this cabinet & tube rattle, Ugh!!! :cry:

Any ideas, before I make a huge mistake?
Well my confounded tube rattle is back as well....I just called MESA ten mins ago about it.....waiting on the return call...

I will let you know what they say
zappaslaughter said:
Well my confounded tube rattle is back as well....I just called MESA ten mins ago about it.....waiting on the return call...

I will let you know what they say

I would be interested in what you find out . You'll probably talk to Tim McKee or Chris Dilbeck .
Tell me. What do you do with witches?
Burn! Burn them up! Burn!...
And what do you burn apart from witches?
More witches!
So, why do witches burn?
B--... 'cause they're made of... wood?
Good! Heh heh.
Oh, yeah. Oh.
So, how do we tell whether she is made of wood?
Build a bridge out of her.
Ah, but can you not also make bridges out of stone?
Oh, yeah.
Oh, yeah. True. Uhh...
Does wood sink in water?
No. No.
No, it floats! It floats!
Throw her into the pond!
The pond! Throw her into the pond!
What also floats in water?
Uh, very small rocks!
Uh, gra-- gravy!
Uh, churches! Churches!
Lead! Lead!
A duck!
Exactly. So, logically...
If... she... weighs... the same as a duck,... she's made of wood.
And therefore?
A witch!
A witch!
A witch! A witch!...
Here is a duck. Use this duck.
[quack quack quack]
Very good. We shall use my largest scales.
Ohh! Ohh! Burn the witch! Burn the witch! Burn her! Burn her! Burn her! Burn her! Burn her! Burn her! Burn her! Ahh! Ahh...
Right. Remove the supports!

A witch! A witch! A witch!
It's a fair cop.
Burn her!
Burn her! Burn her! Burn her! Burn! Burn!...
Who are you who are so wise in the ways of science?
I am Arthur, King of the Britons.
My liege!
Good Sir Knight, will you come with me to Camelot and join us at the Round Table?
My liege! I would be honored.
What is your name?
'Bedevere', my liege.
Then I dub you 'Sir Bedevere, Knight of the Round Table'.
You know that I copy and pasted that right?....

That scene is hilarious. I just always get it all screwed up. Thanks again Boogiebabies. You da man...