MXR EQ users: BRUTAL metal tone?

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ibanez4life SZ!

Well-known member
Jan 27, 2006
Reaction score
Hey guys!

I've been running an MXR EQ with my Roadster for a while, and to be honest, I like my main tone better without it. Many of you might disagree, but that is what my ears are telling me.

I would, however, like to use the MXR to get a different tone out of the Roadster.

Right now, I have my Channel 4 modern set for a great modern hard rock tone. Saturated, aggressive, and strong in the mids.

I want to use the MXR to take it to INSANELY brutal land...thinking REALLY snarly, saturated, and scoop (but not overly) ENGL or Peavey 5150 territory. Obviously, as close as I can get there.

So, what kind of settings do you use on your MXR to achieve this?


I use the sample in the mxr manual for the metal setting, kinda looks like two hills. I prefer my amps tone without the pedal but with it on is like having another channel with a deeper scooped sound.