I scored 4 Ratheon 12ax7a blackplates, 4 sylvania 12ax7 long grey plates, and one near perfect RCA shortplate that tested NOS and balanced.
Where should I put what, and why. What's the tonality of each of these tubes? Do some work better than others in clean vs. dirty, in cathode stages, in PI's?
This will be a fun adventure, because I already have a superb sound using NewPro tubes.
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I scored 4 Ratheon 12ax7a blackplates, 4 sylvania 12ax7 long grey plates, and one near perfect RCA shortplate that tested NOS and balanced.
Where should I put what, and why. What's the tonality of each of these tubes? Do some work better than others in clean vs. dirty, in cathode stages, in PI's?
This will be a fun adventure, because I already have a superb sound using NewPro tubes.
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