Monday 12/15 My band is opening for King's X

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Well-known member
Dec 23, 2007
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I am playing at the Crazy Donkey, on Rt 110, in Farmingdale NY. We go on at 7pm, there are 2 other bands.. then King's X plays around 10pm. Come check us out :)

My band is called Atomic Fury.
Holy crap dude!!! King's X is one of my favorite bands! That is so killer! I hope the show goes well for you. Let me know how King's X sounds too. Haha.

Now i'm going to have to see where all they are playing next. Maybe I can catch them for a 3rd time!

EDIT: Well damn, just checked and they are only coming as close as Nashville. Well, i'm just glad these guys are still playing. They are all pushing 60 years old!!
yeah im stoked about it. I was all set to go watch them, and then we got the offer to open, so it's a win win for me. I'm keeping an eye out for what Ty is playing on tour. I'll report back.
King's X was great. Ty is using all egnator from what i could tell. I snapped a couple photos with my cell, but they arent great. The modules just look like egnators default scheme. He also has a custom guitar that he's using. If anyone wants pics i can post em.

i hope that link works

My band played well. We got there nice and early around 430-5pm, and watched them set up. We also got the private concert, or sound check as it might have been. Which was pretty darn cool. Doug came up to us and greeted us, and gave us good wishes. No interaction with the other guys though. I tried talking to Ty's guitar tech, but either he was being evasive or really didnt konw much. He said he didnt konw what was in Ty's rack and would have to open it up to see the modules. So i tried to sneak some shots of the rack gear. Its a bunch of all egnator modules, i didnt see any randall (ive been seeing posts that he used the randall XTC on the new album) so im guessing it was probably the COD, ERECT or MHG by egnator. It sounded great though. The tech told only that it was a custom guitar Ty had made, and that if I asked ty and found out that I should tell the him.

It appears also that they now play everything in Drop B.

I dont really know what to say about my band without sounding conceited hahhahah. But we played really well, probalby the best show we've done in a while :) I really wanted to play Dogman, but for obvious reasons we didn't.