Mod my 2nd IIC+?

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Well-known member
May 25, 2005
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I just got my 2nd IIC+. 8)
They both have Birthdays 1 month apart and are identcal twins. (w/ EQ, reverb, 1/2 power) and sound almost identical! But neither has Simul-Class. :(
I was thinking of sending one to Mesa to see if they would and could mod one to Simulclass.
MesieBooga said:
I just got my 2nd IIC+. 8)
They both have Birthdays 1 month apart and are identcal twins. (w/ EQ, reverb, 1/2 power) and sound almost identical! But neither has Simul-Class. :(
I was thinking of sending one to Mesa to see if they would and could mod one to Simulclass.

Yes, I helped a guy in Italy do it via pictures and e-mail. The MK III simul output tranny is still available and is identical to the original SC 152-019B
from the IIC+. It would invlove a few resistor changes to the outer sockets, taking the blowback diodes off the outer 6L6's and putting them on the inner 6L6's. The Simul OT is tapped brown/Blue - Brown/white - Brown/blue. The solid brown and solid blue go to the inner 6L6's and the striped set to the outer set. The 60-100 switch could be used as the simul-class/class A switch. It is very cool to do yourself, but I am sure Mike Bendinelli would be happy to do it. He is a great guy and the creator of the IIC+ circuit. Oh, if you have the schematic, on the V4 B there is a .001 cap in paralell with the 270K plate load resistor. You can unsolder one leg and get more gain. On the schematic it says " delete on simul". I have three factory Simul-EQ-Reverb IIC+'s and Mike B. has been kind enough to bestow almost all of his tricks and mods on me.

A simul is a whole new world compared to a 60/100. Even running 4 6L6's.
I prefer to run EL34's in the outer sockets and these amps rip.

Best of luck.
Boogiebabies said:
MesieBooga said:
I just got my 2nd IIC+. 8)
They both have Birthdays 1 month apart and are identcal twins. (w/ EQ, reverb, 1/2 power) and sound almost identical! But neither has Simul-Class. :(
I was thinking of sending one to Mesa to see if they would and could mod one to Simulclass.

Yes, I helped a guy in Italy do it via pictures and e-mail. The MK III simul output tranny is still available and is identical to the original SC 152-019B
from the IIC+. It would invlove a few resistor changes to the outer sockets, taking the blowback diodes off the outer 6L6's and putting them on the inner 6L6's. The Simul OT is tapped brown/Blue - Brown/white - Brown/blue. The solid brown and solid blue go to the inner 6L6's and the striped set to the outer set. The 60-100 switch could be used as the simul-class/class A switch. It is very cool to do yourself, but I am sure Mike Bendinelli would be happy to do it. He is a great guy and the creator of the IIC+ circuit. Oh, if you have the schematic, on the V4 B there is a .001 cap in paralell with the 270K plate load resistor. You can unsolder one leg and get more gain. On the schematic it says " delete on simul". I have three factory Simul-EQ-Reverb IIC+'s and Mike B. has been kind enough to bestow almost all of his tricks and mods on me.

A simul is a whole new world compared to a 60/100. Even running 4 6L6's.
I prefer to run EL34's in the outer sockets and these amps rip.

Best of luck.

Or maybe I can get a Mark III with Simulclass.... and have that modified to C+ specs? Is it still done?
the mod is quite expensive but maybe it does pay when selling the amp somewhen ?
Anyway i believe there must great tones in the amps even without simulclass power section ... ?
"I have three factory Simul-EQ-Reverb IIC+'s" - personally i think that is indefensible. you ought to redistribute some of your treasure to your deprived fellow mortals. ;-)
scotspine said:
"I have three factory Simul-EQ-Reverb IIC+'s" - personally i think that is indefensible. you ought to redistribute some of your treasure to your deprived fellow mortals. ;-)


I am by no way or means wagging my tail about this. Some people give me grief for what I have, but they are superb references and snapshots into the IIC+ construction and evolution. It has taken me 4 years to find the right ones and a bit of cash. I used to talk to Richard Ray on the phone and drool at his wall of 50 hardwood boogies and his fleet of IIC+'s. He knew before all of us how special these amps are. He learned a ton of information on IIC+s and was cool enought to pass it on before he passed away. Now, I consider it a duty to carry the IIC+ flame along with a few other knowledgable guys. Ian Dickey has done more to inform the public about Mesa Mark series amps than even Mesa themselves and I am not sure that he receives the gratitude he deserves. Every amp on E-Bay gets a link to his site. This guy is a doctor and has taken a ton of time out of his life to benefit all of us Boogie freaks. Mesa is not interested in the past. I bug the **** out of Mike Bendinelli and he has always graciously provided his time, memory and all of his secret tweaks and mods. I can spot if Mike B has been inside your amp in a heartbeat. There are a ton of guys who own IIC+'s and neither understand them or know how to use them. They are a tremendous achievment for a 20+ year old amp who's clean and high gain match or rival anything available today

I have a Bubing Combo -Simul-EQ-Reverb,TolexCombo-Simul-EQ-Reverb and a short head - Simul-EQ-Reverb. I will only buy one more IIC+ and it has eluded me for many years. A simul-EQ-reverb with the export transformer. I really like to see what makes things tick, but in the mean time I have a new roadking, MK IV and a 1992 #023X Dual Rectifier to keep me occupied. I personally find the Dual Rec. history a bit more interesting. Mesa changed the circuit 6 times within the first year of production.

I like my Boogie's, can you tell.
well, some people have penis envy, i guess i have amp envy, although to some, my humble position is also 'indefensible', with a couple of vintage marshalls and a peavey :).
i'm about to buy a lonestar which will be my first boogie and have had a lookout for a mkiic+ for some time. i'm sure one will come my way someday. best of luck with yours, we all need people with such a repository of knowledge - we never know when it might prove to be useful.
Boogiebabies said:
Now, I consider it a duty to carry the IIC+ flame along with a few other knowledgable guys...

Cool. Does that mean helping a newbie? New here anyway, been restoring and teching vintage Fender amps for a while if that counts. But my first IIC+ is on the way by UPS (wish me luck...) and should be here in a few days. Imbuya and wicker, 60W, reverb, supposedly all original. I'll be checking the filters first thing. Where do you get parts? No footswitch, are these generally available?

I found some schematics @ Tubefreak to hold me over. Are there others out there that are a bit more clear? Where can I find info on mods, what do you suggest reading?


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