MkV:25 channel switching issues

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Sep 19, 2015
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Hi all.

Today my mkv:25 started acting weirdly.

The clean channel works fine, however when I switch to the dirty channel (either on the front panel or via the foot switch) it appears to switch to the distorted channe as if I switch to stress there is a volume bump but It is still clean, the tone controls and volume control don't function. The graphic EQ has stopped working too.

Any clues?!
Chiv500 said:
Hi all.

Today my mkv:25 started acting weirdly.

The clean channel works fine, however when I switch to the dirty channel (either on the front panel or via the foot switch) it appears to switch to the distorted channe as if I switch to stress there is a volume bump but It is still clean, the tone controls and volume control don't function. The graphic EQ has stopped working too.

Any clues?!

Must be defect. Mine dos'nt do that...
Unplug anything from the loop, unplug the footswitch, just guitar cable and speaker. Toggle all the switches through their positions and back. Fire it up and test. If still exists, it probably needs service.