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That is about all I can say.

But, I will say more.

MK V Como

I play a MusicMan Reflex BFR.

Ch.1  What great cleans. So much better than my MKIV. I'm staying on fat, which according to this video is the Lone Star circuit.

I have not messed with Tweed much as I'm just wanting to get my first three tones set.

Ch. 2  Lots of great tones, the question is, which one do I choose. I know that there are just ton's of sound waiting to be loosed. I have just found a good tone in Edge for now.

Ch. 3 

Just like my MKIV it seems. The IV may have been a little more raw, if that is the word. Played around with the C+ a little, it was OK, but, the IV was a lot better, to me. Spending more time with the C+ will help. Have not done anything with Extreme.

I found it pretty easy to set up. It's a Mark. Utube vids helped, also.

Lots of popping coming through the foot switch changing channels.

Now.  :mrgreen:

I hooked up a Digitech GSP 1101 to the V. I have had this fx unit for a while, used it with my IV with mixed results. WHile it worked in Ch, 1 n 3 on the IV, it had a bad hiss in Ch2 which made it useless, I would just use it in the loop, but, that cut me off from using a lot of the other features.

But, after I hooked it up to the V, oh my! It works perfectly in the loop. Now, there are so many options. I put in the Rec. cab sim and, holy guacamole!!!!!!!!! Low end galore. The delay's, choruses, and everything else just sound outstanding. I'm not using any of the amp sims from the 1101, its all MK V tone.

So, those are first impressions.

I know I need to re-tube to get the best tone, as I think these are the originals. I will throw some other pre-amp tubes in also, just to see what happens.

