MK 4 different guitar different sound

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Well-known member
Jul 12, 2009
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Hello all

I was playing around with a few guitars I haven't played in a while today and was astounded at the difference in tone with each one on the Mk 4.

I normally play my ESP LTD MH1000 which is mahogany and sounds great. I plugged in my custom KH2 bolt on which is alder bodied and was amazed how transparent the MK4 sounds allowing the tone of different guitars to shine through. This is even with bucket loads of gain.

The KH2 immediately sounded more scooped sounding with less sharp mids where the LTD had a beefier more middy tone.

What an incredible amp this is. I appreciate it more and more every day. I will own this amp until the day I die.

Does anyone else have any interesting (not that this is overly interesting) stories about the tone differences in guitars through their MK4?

Love this little box

That's the mark (pun intended) of a great amp. :wink:

A keeper doesn't make every guitar sound the same, while average ones do by forcing it into a little box with some inflexible voicing and over-the-top distortion!

Enjoy! :mrgreen:

Especially as the guitars have the same active pickups which supposedly make all guitars sound the same.

They certainly do not sound the same through this bad boy.
I've been playing around with Class A/Tweed/Triode switches lately. I love how the feel and tone of the amp changes with a flick of a switch! So many combinations and different textures in one amp!
too true..sometimes i GAS over other amps..think about second heads....but in the end, my Mark IV will do ANYTHING (im not a purist, but I am quite picky compared to most)..


gotta say though still thinkin about sellin the IV, and payin the difference for a very nice IIC+.....