MIV EQ very important?

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Well-known member
Sep 10, 2006
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Do you guys use your eq on the mkiv all the time? I'm learning as I go but I just recently started using the EQ on all the time with every channel. I have the wide body combo and it really makes everything sound better. It seems I can bring back some of the bass without the mush, using the eq. I'm using the V curve, so nothing new there but it really sounds a lot fuller with the EQ.
For me, it depends on the sounds I'm looking for. Most of the time, it sounds great without the EQ and I'll use the EQ as a solo boost. I did notice that with the combo's EV speaker it has a much more midrange, honky quality to it, so the EQ is great to level that out. However, through Celestions it sounds fantastic with or without the EQ. I'm not really a big fan of the EV speaker and will soon be swapping out for a head and closed back cab 2x12 setup with Celestions (probably V30's). I love the switching options of the EQ. It adds a lot of flexibility to an already incredible amp.
i was using the eq as a boost too, and the amp sounds great without the EQ, but even greater with IMHO. Thanks Antoine, I think you told me this months ago. great amp!
I find that I am using the EQ less and less. It is capable of dramatic tone shifts and I do use it for certain settings, but my current setting just doesn't require it.
Great question! And if keep asking every 3 months or so I’ll probably just keep giving different answers. But this is what I have done for myself, bottom line r1-r3 on or off it sounds great.
1 If playing with my full rig I can control it any way I want using my Rockman midi octopus and my Rocktron All Access foot controller the real power is in the All Access.
I usually don’t use the EQ it with r1, when playing something funky tends to break up a bit between me hitting hard and my humbuckers but there again depends what I’m doing

With r2 I favor the EQ being on, just shapes that channel especially, so nicely, there again depends on what I’m doing

With r3 I kind of use it as an additional rhythm channel and when the EQ is kicked in a lead channel. This is the channel where I’m happy either way. You know in the case of my rig I should even use the words (lead & rhythm channels) its just a different sound really, my processor can give additional boost for a solo and some EQ if desired.

2 If playing with just the FU-3. (Which I play bone dry allot) It can be complicated grabbing all 6 configurations on the fly so I compromise. The EQ is on Auto for r2, for r1 the EQ is off and of coarse r3 there is no compromise, either way on the switch. Of coarse if a song calls for it the EQ for r1 is no problem.

Like I said ask in 3 months as far as a full rig that answer will be the same but using just the FU-3 that answer will probably change
mr_fender said:
I did notice that with the combo's EV speaker it has a much more midrange, honky quality to it, so the EQ is great to level that out. However, through Celestions it sounds fantastic with or without the EQ.

Slightly off topic....but you have to check your ears ...cause the EV is anything but Midrangy or Honky -- On the other hand, midrangy and honky is the precise signature sound of the Celestions, specifically the V30s :shock:
It's the combination of the EV and the compact open back combo cab that does it. I'm sure in a larger or closed back cab, the EV sounds very different (I've heard that the thiels with the EV are awesome). However, it my compact combo, the bass is very weak. That shifts the emphasis to the mids and highs and it sounds too midrangy for my preference. Pluging the amp into the C90 in my Rectoverb combo reveals A LOT more bass and an overall smoother sound. Also, the recto 2x12's with v30's I had with my Triaxis rig were anything but honky (very beefy and smooth). Anyway, the speaker is only half the equation. The box can have just as much effect on the tone.
6L6C said:
Great question! And if keep asking every 3 months or so I’ll probably just keep giving different answers. But this is what I have done for myself, bottom line r1-r3 on or off it sounds great.
1 If playing with my full rig I can control it any way I want using my Rockman midi octopus and my Rocktron All Access foot controller the real power is in the All Access.
I usually don’t use the EQ it with r1, when playing something funky tends to break up a bit between me hitting hard and my humbuckers but there again depends what I’m doing

With r2 I favor the EQ being on, just shapes that channel especially, so nicely, there again depends on what I’m doing

With r3 I kind of use it as an additional rhythm channel and when the EQ is kicked in a lead channel. This is the channel where I’m happy either way. You know in the case of my rig I should even use the words (lead & rhythm channels) its just a different sound really, my processor can give additional boost for a solo and some EQ if desired.

2 If playing with just the FU-3. (Which I play bone dry allot) It can be complicated grabbing all 6 configurations on the fly so I compromise. The EQ is on Auto for r2, for r1 the EQ is off and of coarse r3 there is no compromise, either way on the switch. Of coarse if a song calls for it the EQ for r1 is no problem.

Like I said ask in 3 months as far as a full rig that answer will be the same but using just the FU-3 that answer will probably change

LOL I couldn't agree more. this amp will do that to you. I recently got a Baja Tele(great freakin guitar IMHO) I've always played mostly LP's and PRS humbuckers and a little strat, but the tele loves the Mesa MKIV. I'm talking blues and clasic rock. heavy metal would be tough with the tele.
When I first got this amp I thought it needed more mids (wrong!) The EQ has taken care of that. I'm not a tech but the Eq brings in the bass with out the mud. Maybe the eq is in a better spot on the tone chain then the bass pot?
How do you guys prefer to set the EQ when using it as a solo boost?
Sirius said:
How do you guys prefer to set the EQ when using it as a solo boost?

I know it sounds lame but the classic V setup on the EQ works for me, it adds bass without the “flub” and brings up the highs for a nice round but also focused sound.
Read my other post a few above this one I really don’t treat anything as a dedicated lead channel but if I had to choose I would use r3+EQ.
I’ll tell you would I would like guys! I wish the lead voicing switch was available for a footswitch
Sirius said:
How do you guys prefer to set the EQ when using it as a solo boost?

I'm using the EQ on all the time with everything just about flat except the 80hz and 6600 hz up about a 1/4 " from flat and the 750hz, between flat and all the way down. The funny thing is if I shut off the EQ I get a little boost now. So I can still use the EQ for a boost by shutting it off.