Midi Switching a Roadster

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Well-known member
May 23, 2007
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I have a long and convoluted story about getting an RJM mini amp gizmo working with a roadster. The short version is that it tries to bring on several channels at once, and it doesn't matter if I try and use the foot switch jack or a break out box and the external switches. I've worked closely with Ron from RJM (he's been an absolute GEM) but we can't solve the problem without sending the amp in for testing. Unfortunately that is out of the question for me. I can't say enough about the level of support that RJM has extended towards my issue, I really feel bad that it didn't work out. They assure me it hasn't happened to many amps at all, but he hasn't been able to solve it with the ones that do exhibit the symptoms.

That being said, I really need to get midi switching going. I am going to give the GCX a try but I would like to know if anyone has had any issues with it.


I use a Voodoo Labs Control Switcher to switch channels on my Roadster via the External Trigger jacks with ZERO issues. I would expect the same with the GCX. Previous to that it was an Axess CFX4 with ZERO issues.

I use the relays in my G-major to switch FX Loop & Solo via the External Triggers as well with ZERO issues.

FWIW I was told my Mesa that the relays for the Channel External Trigger jacks should all be electricly isolated. It is fine to use common ground switching for FX Loop, Solo & Reverb switching.

domct203 said:
FWIW I was told my Mesa that the relays for the Channel External Trigger jacks should all be electricly isolated. It is fine to use common ground switching for FX Loop, Solo & Reverb switching.


Ya, the break out box i am using is all electrically isolated. That's exactly what it is designed to do, switch Mesa amps. It's something in the RJM that doesn't like my amp or vice versa. Ron told me it has only happened on a handful of amps.

I have access to a GCX and I will try that, then try and find one at a good price.

Thanks for the input!
If all you need is function switching don't overlook the Control Switcher.... They are only $139.00 new, that's $278 for eight switches compared to $399 for the GCX & just using it for switching. If you are patient you can find them for even less used.

I need to switch all 4 channels and at least 3 of the other functions... I need reverb, solo and FX, I don't think you can switch the mute via midi. Correct me if I am wrong
Correct, you can not switch the mute without the footswitch.

I found that I never switch the reverb (I only use it for my rhythm tones) so I switch 6 functions with one Control Switcher and the G-Major. I use the GCX for it's audio loops. I have an expression pedal in my GCP that I use for post-preamp volume control so I just use that as my mute :wink:

Dom that seems like the approach I will take. I'll also make a mute patch in my Gmajor2 or use an exp pedal to mute
Just an update, I have a GCX on the way, and I am hoping to have a GCP in place by the end of Nov. I tested my rig out on a GCX/GCP the other day and although it changes the way I do things, it gives me the flexibility and functionality I need.

I expect it to take me a few weeks to setup, once I do get it running, I'll do a rig rundown or something to show you guys how it went together.

Thanks for your advice dom, I am glad others have come before me!
I have an rjm mini amp gizmo and it switches my roadster head with no problems. I use a boss gt-10 as a controller