Micing Mark V combo live

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Active member
Apr 26, 2011
Reaction score
Jacksonville, Florida
Just got my Mark V combo 2 days ago and really loving it !
Could I please get some feedback on micing it live ?
Should a SM57 do the trick ? And what about placement ?
Center of speaker, at the edge of the speaker ?
Right at the grill or a few inches back ? Use a mic stand or
dangle from the top thru the handle ?

I always draped an E609 over the front of the amp, in front of the part of the speaker where the cone meets the dustcap.
phyrexia said:
I always draped an E609 over the front of the amp, in front of the part of the speaker where the cone meets the dustcap.

Same here, although more like halfway b/t the dust cap and the surround.
sm57 is great too. i used the 609 because my 57s were on drums and another amp. i am thinking about buying an e906 which is the 609 with some eq switches.

an md421 would be saweeet. i'll get one of those down the line too.
Good posts guys! Sennheisers and Shures, you can't go wrong with them!

I see mic'ing in a different light, it really depends on whether you are looking for a particular sound or you want a general placement that works over all 3 channels.

For general mic'ing (like at a gig) I agree with placing the mic halfway between the cone and edge of the speaker, this is where the most balanced sounds are.

However when recording and looking for a sound in a studio a little knowledge of close and distance mic'ing using a couple of mics (SM57 and MD421 classics) can give you excellent results.

Also knowledge of you speakers help a lot. Mic'ing closer to the cone for a brighter sound and further towards the edge for a warmer tone, also angling your mic off-axis can produce interesting resultsm

Experimentation is the key here

Good luck!
Hi, so far I've found my sweetspot with a SM57 about 2 -5 inches (depending on the venue acoustics)away from the grill right at the center of the speaker angled about 20 degrees towards the bottom of the amp. I find off axis micing on this amp not dynamic enough for my tastes.

In any event...I always use a set of head phones at the gig venue and move the mic until I'm certain I've found my sweet spot. Then I'll calibrate my monitors then do a final test with the house PA

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