Mic placement

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Nov 6, 2006
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Ok, I've got a Rectoverb, and I'm recording some leads for one of my songs, and I'm having a hard time with the sound. I've got the amp set up how I like, but I'm having a time trying to place the mic. It's an sm-57 and my sound is pretty scooped, but not too loud, because it's late and my mom doesn't like loud noise at night (I'm 16 btw, so I'm not living with my mom at 30! :D ) Would I be better off having my amp louder and keeping the mic real close or would something else be better? I realize that 'better' is extremly sujective, but I'm going for a good powerful lead sound. Again, I love the sound I get when I play, it's just capturing it that's the problem.

yepp, your amp needs to be cranked!
other than that an on-axis sm57 pretty much center of cone is a good start (listen to my recordings, it's exactly what i did on those)
Ok, thanks. On axis at the center of the cone? I'm just curious because I've heard from lots of people that there is no better way to get the worst sound. Intersting.
if you get too much high sizzle just put it off to the side like 1cm or so is usally enough...about at the edge of the dustcap.
that's pretty much how Andy Sneap does most of his recordings for ex. and he's THE MAN!
Please bear in mind that SM57's are EXTREMELY location sensitive. If you turn it a few degrees or move it 1/4" in any direction, the tone changes.

I very highly recommend that you experiment with it until you find the sweet spot.
redmax61 said:
Please bear in mind that SM57's are EXTREMELY location sensitive. If you turn it a few degrees or move it 1/4" in any direction, the tone changes.

I very highly recommend that you experiment with it until you find the sweet spot.

redmax61 said:
Please bear in mind that SM57's are EXTREMELY location sensitive. If you turn it a few degrees or move it 1/4" in any direction, the tone changes.


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