Mesa Roadster / PodX3 questions.

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Apr 28, 2009
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I'm new to the board. Got a Mesa Roadster a few months ago. I'm loving the amp and learning it's functions a little at a time.

I'm using a POD x3 (just for effects, not cabinet modeling). I've tried it several ways but currently find going through the effects loop works quite well.

I can have it set for each of the 4 channels, or I can choose to have it only on when I hit the effects button.

The other day I got an idea to go stereo with my fender (pro, jr.) amp. I came out of the Right output on the POD x3 and went into the fender. Sounds great with stereo chorus or delays. The problem I'm having is that the fender is on almost ZERO and it's still louder than the mesa at lower volumes. It's like I have no volume control on the fender except using the pod or the levels on the mesa.

Anyone have a POD X3 using it for stereo effects? What about with the Mesa Effects Loop?

my setup is Guitar ---> Front of mesa Pod x3 into the loop of the Mesa Right output of pod into the Fender Pro Jr.
