Mesa roadster bass loss

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May 22, 2010
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I thought it was just my ears but have had someone else confirm that my roadster has a very noticable amount of bass loss in channels 2,3, and less so in 4. Channel 1 sounds nice and thick but the other channels are definately are thinner and more shrill. Could this be a preamp tube? Poweramp tube? I only have 1 spare preamp tube. Does it sound like something else? The wierd thing is there is no volume loss with the channels and the distortion seems normal.Btw I just changed all the tubes 4 months ago and it sounded great back then.. Thx -Shane
I think you have a tube or instrument cable issue. My Roadster's channels 1 and 2 are pretty similar, while 3 and 4 are slightly similar to each other. I don't detect the bass loss you are talking about. In contrast, I find the Roadster's channels (all four of them) to have too much low end.
So I brought the amp to mesa and apparently its just my ears the tech played it and said it sounded fine and i have to admit it sounded good there. He told me running in 50w mode and tube rectifier will lower bass response and i think el34 probably cut more bass than i thought. Guess i just remember more bass, course my 5150 bass has to be maxed to sound similar so i guess its fine.