Mesa F100 series ?

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Feb 18, 2005
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Is there anyone out there using the F100 series amp and liking it ? I've got one and I think it's a great amp. but I dont see too much feedback on them. I play my dlx strat through it,and it's the best sound I ever got out of my rig, I went through a bunch of fender amps before I bought this and they all sounded mid rangey and hollow, this amp has a full natural giutar sound without that hollowness to it. any feedback is well appreciated. Ive never had the chance to get into the head & cabs. but I know I love this one. I know theres the weight factor.....But its worth it. Thanks Fred.
no soul has an f-100 i think, and his bandmates argue over who gets to use it. :lol: theres always the HC reviews, and sometimes you'll get a good laugh at them too.
I've had my F-100 2x12 combo for almost 3 years now and I still think it's great. Here's my rig.


Check out the Mesa F-series Lounge on HCAF for the skinny on the F-series.
cnumb44 said:
Hal 9k, how do you like the hotplate?
It's a really useful tool and with the F-100 it opens-up the amp nicely. Depending on what amp you have the Weber Mass also gets good reviews so it's worth a trial. A really nice feature of the Hot Plate is that you get the line out so you can run post power amp FX for a wet/dry rig. Also, the bright and deep switches are good for compensation at high attenuation. Typically, I use the Hot Plate set between -8 and -12 dB and that's about as far as I'm willing to go because anymore than that and it gets buzzy quickly. I've had a bit of a rig change lately and I've been using my G-major to attenuate the FX loop of my F-100 which also lets me open up the amp which I highly recommend trying out. A passive volume pedal also works well in the loop.

FWIW, given a 100 W output from an amp, this is the power delivered to the speaker using the Hot Plate's attenuation:
100 W - 4 dB = 39.8 W
100 W - 8 dB = 15.8 W
100 W - 12 dB = 6.3 W

Even if my amp put out 200 W, the maximum power delivered to the speaker is only 12.6 W!