Mesa branded "EVM" 12" Black Shadow Vs EVM12L

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Well-known member
Sep 17, 2009
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Hi Is there a difference between the EVM12L and the MESA branded Black Shadow EVM 12, please? I know the original EV's were 300 watt and the new classic is 200Watt, but the Black shadows I have seen are also 200 watt, so is a 200watt EVM Black Shadow any different to a EVM12L classic or is it just a different sticker?
Every EVM-12L I've ever had in a Mesa starting in the mid-80's has been 200 watts.
I've had EVMs since the early 80s and they have always been rated 200watts constant, 800watts peak.

The "Zakk Wilde" version may be 300W constant, but its a tad different than the normal ones.
I'm an EV addict. My PA is their BIG touring series stuff, My keyboard amps have all been upgraded to EVM 15L's and.... my guitar speakers have been Celestian 75 and EV12L. I easily have over 18 of them right naw as I count on my fingures typing this. That said, I may be able to offer an opinion:

I have several (many many for real) ev12L cabs that are the OEM Black shadow labeled mesa variety as well as the metal back with the EV warranty date etc stamp. They are all in various ways. 2x12, thieles, open closed back etc.

I have four new Classic series ev12L in some of the cabinets mentioned above. I can not tell any difference in them new issue vs. older ones. I put a lot of effort in the first two of these I bought to see if they would indeed be a "sound" match.

I also have two of the EV 12L proline (gold back EVM label) and they say right on them 300 watts.
What is the tonal difference between the 200 w EVM12L and 300 w Black Labels ?
From my knowledge, having lived in Petaluma and played Boogies exclusively since 1981, the Black Shadow Mesa EV 12 was just the exact EVM-12l from EV which Mesa had their label/sticker put on. They were selling so many and wanted to "brand" them, that they just bought them from EV and had the Black Shadow sticker put on them.

Funny thing, Fender did the exact same thing for a short while in the 80's. Their Rivera Era amps (Concert II mesa-style) came with an optional Fender 12-L. I actually have one. It is the exact same EV OEM 12-L speaker but with Fender's label on it. I have one of all three and I can't tell any sonic difference, or shape, weight or anything. It sure seems to me the are the same speaker.