Mesa Boogie Triple Rec. (FX Loop Question)

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Jun 27, 2009
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Hey guys I own a triple rec. and I've never really used the fx loop. I have no FX or processors plugged into it but I DO have it on so my output control and solo control are active. Will this hurt my Fx loop or amp at all? I don't think it will. but they didnt say anything in the manual about it being ok to do that, or not to do that. Just making sure.
Won't hurt a thing. The FX Send control on the back of the amp will be a factor in overall output level even with nothing connected in the loop, and even if the loop it footswitched off. You can experiment with this for low-level playing, or pushing the V4 tube into overdrive for more distortion.

IMO it's best to set the FX Send around 1:00 (unity gain) and leave it there, as this gives the closest possible response as having the loop hard-bypassed, while still having use of Output/Solo.