maybe someone here can help

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Well-known member
Mar 3, 2008
Reaction score
Saylorsburg, PA
trying to set up my Mark IV but here's the deal:

I have no speaker cab here.

I have a Fender Deluxe 90 that I am thinking about running the IV into, but without a speaker, I'm afraid to damage my IV.

Isnt there a way where I can keep the IV on standby and run from its FX Send or Slave Out into the Fender Pwr Amp In?
bryan_kilco said:
trying to set up my Mark IV but here's the deal:

I have no speaker cab here.

I have a Fender Deluxe 90 that I am thinking about running the IV into, but without a speaker, I'm afraid to damage my IV.

Isnt there a way where I can keep the IV on standby and run from its FX Send or Slave Out into the Fender Pwr Amp In?

I'm pretty sure the amp needs a speaker load whether the output is muted or not.
I heard that it was safe to run the amp on standby as long as I just dont turn it ON?

just trying to check up on this before I do anything stupid. :)
Can you run the MKIV into the speaker of the Deluxe 90. That should work if you go directly from the boogie speaker jack to the speaker in the deluxe.

nah, the speaker is wired right to the amp.

its no biggie, i dont HAVE to do it...was just doing a home recording and wanted seperate tones for each track.