Maverick or LSS???

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Oct 1, 2005
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Maui Wowee!
Are there any Maverick owners here? It seems like they are as forgotten about as the Heartbreaker.

Assuming that both amps would be a 1x12 combo with C-90 speaker:

Which amp will get better High Gain tones?

Which amp will get better Clean tones?

Which amp is more versatile in the amount of tones that can be found?

Should the Solo button be the only deciding point?

I play anything from Zappa to ZZ Top to Maiden to old-school Metal. I mainly use Strats, but have just bought a PRS McCarty and have a Warmoth Soloist with a H-S-H pup configuration and Floyd Rose.
I play wide variety of stuff and tried tons of amps before settling on my LSC (2 weeks old now). Its going down a storm. You are not going to get huge gain out of it, but it does cover a wide spectrum.

You will not find anthing better for cleans or reverb IMHO.

IMHO the solo switch on some of these new MBs is worth its weight in gold. That's what led me to the LSC instead of the Expresses.
Monsta-Tone said:
No opinions???
Maverick, why?

(to me) an amp sounds its best when it running at full power. The output transformer is saturated. The Maverick is running at its 33 watts AND with the 5AR4 rectifier tube.

LoneStar Special, great amp I'll admit, but it has 5 watts and 15 watt setting its not full saturating the output transformer, second of all, LoneStar Special running at 33 watts is using solid state rectifier, you would have to do some mods to get the solid state rectifier to sag like a 5AR4.

LoneStar Special has lot versatilities over the Maverick.

... but you asked my opinion and since I have a Trem-o-Verb, I would feel very much at home manipulating the Maverick since in theory they're preamp section is so similar when I studied the Maverick's manual.
I think I've seen this Q before, and like others who have responded, I did without answering the actual question, givng my opinion as to the LSS.

It seems that there isn't anyone familiar with the Maverick and the LSS. A little surprising. (Got busy at work so this was idle and someone posted above)

I'm curious, what tubes are in the Maverick?

My last post basically affirmed the LSS to its reputation, but noted that each amp has it's own character/tone and while I ended up with the LSS, there are times I wish I had the LSC for a certain song. Difference attributed to power tubes, as the preamp sections are the same.

Aren't you happy with the Mav? What about the LSS is driving your GAS?
I don't have either one. I was wondering if there was a general opinion about the Maverick vs the LSC, since they are about the same power.

I built a clone of the lead channel of a Maverick. It is very nice. Lots of gain, but still sounds Bluesy, not at all like my DC's.

A customer of mine has a new LSC that I just worked on. The store that sold it to him left the shipping elastic on the power tubes when they put it in the amp room. They melted and eventually, the left over plastic cracked the tubes and they had to be replaced.

The amp sounds in-freaking-credible, but there is not enough gain for my tastes.

I would have to use a distortion pedal in front of it, or mod it.

The Solo function is definitely worth it's weight in gold.
Monsta-Tone said:
I don't have either one. I was wondering if there was a general opinion about the Maverick vs the LSC, since they are about the same power.

I built a clone of the lead channel of a Maverick. It is very nice. Lots of gain, but still sounds Bluesy, not at all like my DC's.

A customer of mine has a new LSC that I just worked on. The store that sold it to him left the shipping elastic on the power tubes when they put it in the amp room. They melted and eventually, the left over plastic cracked the tubes and they had to be replaced.

The amp sounds in-freaking-credible, but there is not enough gain for my tastes.

I would have to use a distortion pedal in front of it, or mod it.

The Solo function is definitely worth it's weight in gold.

Maybe the LSS has more gain??? I don't know but worth looking into.
Personally I prefer the Maverick cleans over almost any amp. The high gain I think is possible better on the Maverick but that is based on my experience with the LSS.
Monsta-Tone said:
I don't have either one. I was wondering if there was a general opinion about the Maverick vs the LSC, since they are about the same power.

The Solo function is definitely worth it's weight in gold.
You do mean the LSS not the LSC[?] :?

If I was going to purchase either LSS or Maverick my intention is to drive the quartet of EL84s, in 'Class A', I use the Class A term loosely don't want to get into a debate about Class A.

I would rely more on power stage tube drive than preamp drive. So Monsta-Tone, maybe you are looking for an amp with more drive perhaps?

I know you are asking us our opinion yet you are more knowledgeable when it comes to amplification.
OK I had a Maverick, although it was quite a while back, and now have a Lonestar Special - both 1x12's.

Maverick +'s - great clean tones and lot's of headroom on the clean channel, parallel effects loop, used prices
Maverick -'s - fizzy OD channel, very difficult to dial in for lower gain tones, sounded best REALLY loud when it smoothed out some

LSS +'s - great clean tones with more ability to put just a little hair on those cleans, superb OD tones in all gain ranges, solo switch, great power flexibility for different venues via power switching, great at both low and hi volume.
LSS -'s - less headroom - fine for most rooms but won't handle a big venues/stages un-mic'ed, rear placement of the 'verb controls, series effects loop, new prices

Both +'s - built like a brick ... ah, you know.
Both -'s - heavy, benefit greatly from retubing
I did mean the LSS, sorry.

I ended up getting another DC-3, and I use the EQ for a footswitchable solo boost, but it is less prevalent in the clean channel.

You know how it is, always greener on the other side... :D

I was interested in the Maverick for the used price.

The LSS (not LSC) that my customer has sounds incredible.

I really do like the power tube breakup more, but it's hard to get it when you can't crank the amp.

As far as trasformer saturation, I have a friend with a THD Univalve that sounds incredible. I talked with THD about this amp, and the Bivalve and the transformers are overrated, so there is almost no saturation.

I really like power tube breakup, but don't like transformer saturation. You loose too much headroom, and it sounds compressed to me. I want my amps to breathe, and breathe fire at the same time, if that makes sense.
Monsta-Tone said:
As far as trasformer saturation, I have a friend with a THD Univalve that sounds incredible. I talked with THD about this amp, and the Bivalve and the transformers are overrated, so there is almost no saturation.

I really like power tube breakup, but don't like transformer saturation. You loose too much headroom, and it sounds compressed to me. I want my amps to breathe, and breathe fire at the same time, if that makes sense.
Maybe transformer saturation is not the terminology I'm trying to describe.

Example, members here talk about running their 100 watt amps w/ tube rectifiers by down to 50 watts by removing two power stage tubes and using only one rectifier tube.

Most experience members w/ tube amps say it just does not sound like a REAL 50 watt amp cranked up. Why is that? The output transformer is still a 'clean' 100 watt output transformer (yes I'm aware the impedance setting is double).

Its a matter of preference so its the ear of the beholder. Personally I probably rely on less preamp gain, and more power stage tubes distortion than most members here. :wink:
In my local GC they have a used maverick 4x10 next to some new LSS 1x12 combo's. The clean on the Maverick is big and spanky, very nice. I find it's overdrive to be too compressed and doesn't balance at all with the size of the cleaner channel, no matter how you EQ it. The LSS also got a great clean sound and like another said you can vary the shade of the dirt on it with great control. I found the tonal variety on the LSS and it's great reverb and the solo feature make it head and shoulders above the Maverick.

Try a LSS put it on 5 watts, bypass the loop, max the master and bring up the preamp for your sound. It just smokes. Then change the power to 15 and you start getting some fuller in the low end rock sounds that are a lot of fun. The first time I played one I didn't leave the first channel for at least 30 minutes. I like that the LSS works as well with Gibsons as it does Fenders.

It kills me because the used Maverick is 100's less, but I would still want a new LSS over it anyday.
The first time I played one I didn't leave the first channel for at least 30 minutes. I like that the LSS works as well with Gibsons as it does Fenders.

It kills me because the used Maverick is 100's less, but I would still want a new LSS over it anyday.

:D :D :D I was afraid of that. The Maverick seems to be the ugly step child of the Mesa line.

Most experience members w/ tube amps say it just does not sound like a REAL 50 watt amp cranked up. Why is that? The output transformer is still a 'clean' 100 watt output transformer (yes I'm aware the impedance setting is double).

Its a matter of preference so its the ear of the beholder. Personally I probably rely on less preamp gain, and more power stage tubes distortion than most members here.

I know exactly what you mean. I tried this with 3 different Dual Rec heads and the result was always the same. Loss of headroom (to be expected), loss of thump, and a severe loss of tone. The amps just don't seem to sing when you do this.

On the other hand, my Heartbreaker's 60/100 switch, which does the same thing essentially, doesn't seem to loose a lot of tone, just thump & headroom.

It might be that some of the transformers are still mismatched, even after you swap the Impedance. I'll have to look into this one of these days.

I keep trying to lean more on Power Tube distortion, but haven't found the tone I want just yet. I probably keep my gain pretty low (6 or so) compared to most guys here too.
Monsta-Tone said:
... I tried this with 3 different Dual Rec heads and the result was always the same. Loss of headroom (to be expected), loss of thump, and a severe loss of tone. The amps just don't seem to sing when you do this.

On the other hand, my Heartbreaker's 60/100 switch, which does the same thing essentially, doesn't seem to loose a lot of tone, just thump & headroom....
That's true, I think the Mark Series w/ 100/60 switch sound great regardless of the power switch, but I'd think this is by design because you don't have to switch impedance jack, 8 ohms remains 8 ohms where say Dual Rec. you have to place you 8 ohm in the 16 ohm jack (or is it the other way around?).
I pick the LSS for tonal bliss. If anyone wants a bit more gain out of it, I highly recommend the Keeley modded RAT pedal in front of your amp. You only need the distortion @10:00 and the level (volume knob of pedal) @ 1:00; amp gain on channel 2 @ just past 12:00, thickness switch in up position, and this pushes the LSS into a classic rock gain a-la Joe Walsh and Jeff Beck. I have a closet full of dirt boxes and boosters and this one really makes the LSS the most versatile damned amp I've ever owned. Well, that and a vintage TS-9 Tube Screamer, and a Fulltone FAT BOOST...pick any of the above and noodle!!! The "Thickness" switch really is a neat twist; if you flip it to the "up" position, you will get quite the British "Spank" out of it. In the down position, it gives you a more compressed thick sound and in the middle, sort of Bassman-ish. "Up" is my favorite.....anyway, my two cents.