Maverick: effects loop issue

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Active member
Feb 12, 2012
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When I plug anything into the effects loop, I don't get any response, just an electric crackle sound. I want to put a volume boost pedal (MXR EQ) into the effects loop but the electric crackle kicks in, whether or not the pedal is switched on or not, and whether or not I have any master volume dialed in. Whatever I do with the pedal, it seems to have no effect at all. It is as if the effects loop is not connected, or has a weak connection. I have the leads lined up to send -in / out-return. The effects loop volume is turned up.

Is there anyone out there who can help me please?
The signal always passes through the Loop circuit, whether you are using it or not.

Try turning the Mix pot down a bit. If the crackle goes away, then the pot is either dirty or bad. If that is the case, some contact cleaner might fix it right up.

Try another pedal (chorus, delay, etc.) with completely different cords. This will tell you if it is the amp or something else.

It could be that the EQ pedal is set too high and you are causing the signal to clip horribly. I run a Boss GE-7 (with Sniper mod) in the Loop on my Maverick but I keep the volume very low. With all sliders set right in the middle I get a really great solo boost.

The only other thing I can think of is maybe the contacts in the jacks are dirty.
I have the Loop on my Maverick converted to Series. Until yesterday, it had a switch to toggle from Series to Parallel.
I started having issues with my lead channel volume when nothing was in the Loop. This happened in Series & Parallel. I replaced the Send jack and removed the switch, the problem went away.

Guess what I'm trying to say is that this should be a fairly simple fix.
If it is the Send jack, you will have to replace the Reverb footswitch jack as well because they are mounted to the same circuit board (or they were on mine anyway).

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