I have been cranking my MarkIVa Imbuya combo now that it has a Vintage30 in it and i have to say i like it best than the EV. The Vintage30 seems to handle Rhythm2 better; I'm able to get better strat tones ala SRV, Hendrix out of it (I could NEVER do that with the EV12!) and the cleans are nice and full. Surprisingly, the lead channel has suffered a bit in my opinion. It's less smooth and more 'raspy' and just makes you want to play rock. The liquid gain thing is still happening but it carries more treble in my ears and a slightly more brittle tone. Overall, the V30 seems to work better than the EV for me, and certainly the EV in the closed 112 recto box offers good bottom end. It's not a Thiele, but still works great.