MarkIV Footswitch Problem, help needed

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Well-known member
Jan 29, 2005
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Hi, need some help here (BoogieBabies ?), sometimes my MarkIV footswitch doesn't work :

- the Lead channel stay on all the time, and if i try to change for Ryth2 or Ryth1 it's impossible, the red "Lead" light of the Footswitch stay on and my amp still in the Lead mode, then the only way to change channels is with the Rear Knob labelled "Mode Select", After a moment (generaly between 5 to 10 minutes) the footswitch work again and everything is fine !
- This problem only happened only 3 or 4 times in 2 years, first time during a show, I was thinking it was the Footswitch cable concern because with the Rear knob the amp worked very well, so i have changed it, but some times later (5 or 6 months), during a rehearsal, the problem was there again, then everything worked very well since yersteday, on stage during a concert, this happened again in the middle of the show, very embarassing, then some 3 or 4 songs later, everything worked fine again !

There is only one technician where i live, but he's on vacation for all August and i need this problem to be fixed now, because of concerts during this time... and i'm too afraid this problem appears again on stage, so i wonder if some of you MarkIV users have had a similar problem with your amp footswitch, and maybe can help me ?
Thanks for your help guys !!!
check your foot sould like there is a problem with it and it's got a broken connetion somwhere in it...the lead ...the plug and the main board...
Hello, Ric here. I had problems with channel switching (mark IV 1990), T :?: urned out to be the channel select rotary switch in the back. I ordered a new one and installed it. All was fine untill 5 years later-now that one has gone bad(or so I hope): I ordered another one a few weeks ago and soon will replace it again. I don't know if they're cheap, or maybe transporting the amp causes the problem. Good luck. Ric.
Sounds like a logic or power problem in the footswitch.

There are logic contollers in the amp and in the footswitch so we may need to look at both for bad solder joints and such. It's not uncommon to have a bad footswitch with a well used MK IV.

Thanks a lot for your helps guys !
My Mark IV is a MarkIV B, bought new in 1999 !
I'm back home after a new gig tonight, and i've got the problem once again, (in the begining of the show)... but this time, i'm sure the problem comes from the footswitch, because when i've had the problem, i've taken the footswitch in my hand and softly hit the floor with it, and it worked suddenly, 10 or 12 minutes later, once again, the footswitch stopped to work, and once again, just a little knocking again, and everything turned fine until the end of the show !
So i'm sure it's a footswitch concern, but what exactly ?, i don't think it's the cable because it has been changed, maybe it is one of the switch, a broken connection or something... i don't know, something that makes my footswich blocked (exept for the "Loop"switch and "EQ" switch)...

Once again, thanks a lot for your help, you guys rules

Hey, I've had the exact same problem but couldn't spot any bad connections. Let me know if you figure out what your problem is. I've also been told to check the switching matrix on the amp because it helped another user with our problem, but your experience leads me to believe that it's more likely my footswitch.

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