Stick with me on this one... 
Remember the old "Dark side of the moon marrying up with Wizard of OZ" synchronising phenomenon?
Well its struck again... I was recording a vid of me torturing my old Jackson, (Which I hadn't played through the Boogie til now, bizarrely) through Extreme Mode* editting it, trying to come up with a juxapositioning accompaniment for Diamanda Galas' "Wild women with steak knives."
Then once those two linked, I realised that combining those two with the last ten minutes of apocalypse now Redux, may have been what Charlie Sheen was on about saying what might happen if we could visit his mind for 10 ten minutes... and sure enough: They link making a psychedelic trilogy of synchronised horroorrrrrrrrrr wayyyyyyyyyy beyond my initial hopes.
(Not ripping on Mr.Sheen, who I wish all the luck in the world....just having fun with what he said, is all...
The trick is to queue them up first them start them in listed order as fast as you can right at the start.
The Jackson session vid:
The 'Wild Women with Steak Knives' vid:
The Apocalypse now vid in question:
Best attempted in a dark room, whilst actually visually watching the Apocalypse Now vid...
Have fun...! :mrgreen:
*90 watts, Pentode, Bass 1 o'clock/treble 4 o clock, Middle 12 o'clock, Bright on, Prescence at 11 oclock, Gain at 3-4 oclock, Half V (Bass side), Half M (Treble side), Mid set to just above the line.. the horror....the horror...
Remember the old "Dark side of the moon marrying up with Wizard of OZ" synchronising phenomenon?
Well its struck again... I was recording a vid of me torturing my old Jackson, (Which I hadn't played through the Boogie til now, bizarrely) through Extreme Mode* editting it, trying to come up with a juxapositioning accompaniment for Diamanda Galas' "Wild women with steak knives."
Then once those two linked, I realised that combining those two with the last ten minutes of apocalypse now Redux, may have been what Charlie Sheen was on about saying what might happen if we could visit his mind for 10 ten minutes... and sure enough: They link making a psychedelic trilogy of synchronised horroorrrrrrrrrr wayyyyyyyyyy beyond my initial hopes.
(Not ripping on Mr.Sheen, who I wish all the luck in the world....just having fun with what he said, is all...
The trick is to queue them up first them start them in listed order as fast as you can right at the start.
The Jackson session vid:
The 'Wild Women with Steak Knives' vid:
The Apocalypse now vid in question:
Best attempted in a dark room, whilst actually visually watching the Apocalypse Now vid...
Have fun...! :mrgreen:
*90 watts, Pentode, Bass 1 o'clock/treble 4 o clock, Middle 12 o'clock, Bright on, Prescence at 11 oclock, Gain at 3-4 oclock, Half V (Bass side), Half M (Treble side), Mid set to just above the line.. the horror....the horror...