Mark V head as a combo and vice versa

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Well-known member
Feb 9, 2007
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Central NJ
I dunno if this has been asked, I didn't find anything on here


Can you convert a MK V head to combo like the earlier Mark amps

I am looking at a MKV combo but would ultimately like the portability of a head....I think you guys know what I am getting at. Can it be done?

Thanks in advance
I have a Mark V combo with premium quilted maple hardwood. I gigged with it a couple times and got anxious about damaging the wood. So, Mesa made me a headshell for the Mark V and it took me about 30 minutes to move the chassis from the combo to the headshell. I bought it with the reverb tank installed, so I didn't have to move the reverb, just unplug it from one and plug it in to th eother

So, there is no doubt you could order an empty MV combo cabinet and move your chassis.

Good luck,
Hey, you asked how much. I can't tell you the retail price, you'd have to ask Mesa. I happen to live in Petaluma and have a business relationship with Mesa. I can't talk about pricing. Sorry. Just call the factory and ask Debbie at the front desk that you need to talk to a Product Specialist.
It is a double edged sword. I love the head, because it is so portable. I can run my half back 4x12 or just a widebody closed back 1x12 w/EVM-12L or stack an open back 1x12 on that with a Tone Tubby, for an open/closed 2x12 set up. So many possibilities depending on the size of the stage and venue. But, then I have this drop dead gorgeous uber quilted maple combo case sitting at home........