Ok guys Im having an issue with my 2009 mark 5 footswitch. I have done some searching and it appears there was a bug where the EQ would jump in and out. My issue is not the same. My issue is my whole amp actually drops in volume with the footswitch attached. Kinda odd. When I hit the FX button it would act as a mute. This all happened after a routine cleaning. It has happened before yet went away and hasnt been an issue till today. I noticed it because I raised the volume on my amp and it wasnt actually raising the volume at all but rather sweeping through the EQ with no change to volume. If I disengaged the fx button all is good and if I remove unplug the footswitch all works fine. I have also noticed that when I first turn my amp on my amp will make noises like its switching channels rapidly and will do this until I actually select a channel. Does anyone know if this is a simple connection problem and is there an easy fix?