Mark V Channel 2 Problems

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Nov 15, 2009
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hey! so i woke up this morning, switched on my Mark V and the channel 2 doesn't work, I'm hoping some of you can give me some feedback as to any similar situations like this. (this is my first tube amp)

so my diagnostic:
-all the main tubes in the amp seem fine
-Channels 1 and 3 work perfectly (no noise or anything out of the ordinary)
-it's not foot switch related
-Changing the power mode has no affect )10w, 45w,90w)

but when i switch to channel 2 the guitar signal just isn't there. you can here the direct signal from the guitar with the output cranked but none of the controls on the channel are affecting it's sound (Bass, Treble Mid .etc) and it's still very quiet

i plan to call the dealer i got it from tomorrow since they're closed today,any help in the meantime would be greatly appreciated

What do you mean by 'all the main tubes seem fine'? Try swapping a few tubes out (that are used for CH2) one at a time to see if it comes back to life.
you have a bad preamp tube...... start replacing preamp tubes as described in the manual!!!!!!

i would start with V2 and so on :wink:

good luck and take your time!!!!! relax :D