Mark IV + Studio preamp = Good set?

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Sep 20, 2007
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Hi guys,

I have a mark iv and I am fully satisfied. However, I wonder know if the studio preamp would be a good addition to the setup, because I feel the lack of an extra lead channel.

The lead of the Studio preamp channel is similar to the lead of Mark IV?
Yes, it would work wonderfully as just a Fourth Channel (and fifth I suppose)

You will need a way to control it though. And a way to get it into your existing rig without problems. Some switchers and mixers seem to be required.
The IV has one of my favorite power-amps. I have used it with a few different preamps and was always able to get good results. Not the one you are talking about. I use a GCP/GCX system to loop the preamps and switch between them myself.