dual rec king said:
Hey every 1 I have a ?. When i use the reverb on my amp without a foot switch I can put it on 10 it works it sounds great. Then when I try to activate it with a foot switch I get this hum no matter what level the reverb is on and it doesnt get worse if i raise the reverb or lower it. My thoughts are its my Pedal? Im using 1 that u have to step on hard and it clicks into place Like on the Mark IV foot switch the Equalizer type button. Do i need the 1 like on channel 1 ? that u just tap?
I have the exact same problem, let me know if you figure it out.
I troubleshot it a bit and here is what I have found.
When using a footswitch, the position that turns the reverb on is open. I found this out by using a meter and measuring across the tip and sheild of the footswitch cable. It is when the tip is shorted to ground that the Reverb turns off. And here I have no hum.
So theoretically, when the footswitch is in a position where the tip and sheild are not shorted, it should be the exact same as simply sticking a patchchord into the the reverb connector and leaving the other end in a way to make sure the tip and shield are not shorted (hanging in mid air ofr instance).
When I do this there is no hum.
So I'm a bit confused as well.
My footswitch has a very long chord. I was almost wondering if perhaps it was the length of my chord causing the problem. I have to believe it is not shielded. Maybe there is some noise coming in on that.
I don't know.