CudBucket said:
Mesa should never have named those modes IIC+ and IV. The comparisons are doing a disservice to the Mark V. You had to know that opinions would vary on whether or not they sounded like the older marks. Couldn't they have just called them things like "Raw", "Vintage", "Fat", "Thick"? Whatever? Then it would just be a Mark V.
I mean, even if they re-issued the IIC+ and were able to use the exact same components that have suddenly disappeared from the universe, people would still "hear" a difference. It's a joke and the discussions are getting tiresome. It seems people are busier discussing the amp than playing it.
Everyone knows the Roadster and Road King II boast the Lonestar cleans and everyone loves the amps for that. I believe channel one on either amp makes no mention whatsoever about the Lonestar but calls them something completely generic. Wise choice to do that on Mesa's part.
In a world where they called it Lonestar channel 1 mode instead, those amps would have gotten ripped to shreds by the bored and dickless who can hear the difference between the red GeorgeL cable and the black one...... Too bad really.