Mark IV: Class A vs. Simulclass

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Nov 20, 2005
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I've had my Mark IVa for about 6 months now. Initially, when I was first dialing in my settings, I thought class A had a little sweeter tone and have been playing it in class A ever since. Overall the amp has been great, but I have to admit that I've been a bit dissapointed with the bass response.

Today, I was futzing around with the poweramp settings, and tried it at full volume with simulclass. WOW - all of a sudden the bottom end is big, tight and loud.

Just wondering whether others have this same perception.
Yes, the Class A is sweeter but lacks the bottom punch of Simul. The Simul setting is what sold me on this amp. It doesn't get the flub of the DR. I had considered the two but in the end, the tightness of the Mark IV is what sold me. I have been playing the Class A triode tweed mode looking for blues lately in R1. I might have to try R2 and keep the gains low but I wanted to be able to switch to R2 for a boost. Getting back to your topic... you nailed it.
I've spent relatively little time with my Mark IV but so far I get the best overall sound on all three channels in simulclass. When I want to dial in a specific sound on just one channel, I have been successful in class A.

I'm still twiddling the knobs so much that no one setting lasts for very long!! I have two months off this summer and can't wait to really put this thing through its paces. I think I am going to photograph the settings and record a small clip for each shot for reference.
I like Class A for messing around on my own at low volumes. But use Simulclass when in a band situations - bigger, fuller, louder.
I love the class A setting with el34's in the outer sockets. I usually use the simul setting though when I play loud so I can feel the low end.

I can't wait to find those old EL-34's I stashed years ago and try them in the outer sockets. Right now, mine has a quad of 6L6's in it.
I like class A at lower volumes as well, mostly because you get tube breakup at lower levels, especially when combined with tweed power and tritode. However, similar to what the previous posters said, it lacks the headroom that the simul-class provides. What class A does provide that simul-class may not as much is a more vintage and warmer tone, especially at lower volumes.

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