Mark IV and ADA MP-1 Pre-amp

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Well-known member
Feb 14, 2005
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Northern, New Jersey
I love my IV and will keep it for eternity and beyond, but want to get some of my younthful '80's tone as well! I picked up an MP-1 last week for $200 and want to use the IV as a power-amp. I don't have the room right now for a Power-amp and a cab.

I've got a G-Major for effects and it shows how to run a pre-amp into the G-MAjor and out to a Combo. I am just making sure as the MP-1 should arrive this week.

Anybody have any suggestions, warnings, experiences or comments?


Just run it through the FX loop! Ha, I had a MP1 back in 92, I think and loved it! man, that preamp rocked and you can really get them cheaply! There are guys doing really great mods to these and they record so well.
I have the obligatory big hair 80's rack system in my home studio, a stereo setup with the G-Major in parallel using a Ground Control System and switcher. It's lots of fun, but totally a hassle to move.

I switch between two preamps, and Engl, and an old modded ADA MP-1. You just can't beat those things, the MIDI control is fantastic, and the tones vary from JC clean to the most ridiculous gain known to man. Mine has the 3TM mod, which adds another 12AX7 with 2 gain stages.

If you buy one these days be careful cause they're getting old and most need some capacitor work and a new internal battery. Just try it out first if you can, or be prepared for a $100 repair bill just in case... and good high mu gain rated 12AX7's really work well in this circuit.

Excellent preamp though, enjoy it...
If you buy one these days be careful cause they're getting old and most need some capacitor work and a new internal battery. Just try it out first if you can, or be prepared for a $100 repair bill just in case... and good high mu gain rated 12AX7's really work well in this circuit.

I paid $200 and won't mind getting it modded or refurbished if it's necessary. I was thinking about the Voodoo Mod. ($250), but I've read about the 3TM from adadepot. I'll check it out first and then see what's up.

Where could I send it to get the capicitors worked on? Can I change the battery myself. I'm pretty handy and can solder a bit.


Well if you get one of the mentioned mods done you can have them do the caps and battery at the same time for not much more. Otherwise any amp tech can do the caps and battery. Changing the battery is no biggie but it is on the main board so you have to get inside the chassis to do it, and it might be harder to find the right battery than to change it. I haven't been inside mine lately so I don't remember the specifics, but I did my own cap job and when I had the 3TM done they had the battery so I just had them put it in.

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