Mark III Questions...HELP!

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Well-known member
Sep 18, 2010
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I have a Lonestar classic that I'm considering trading for a Mark III. The Mark is a wood and wicker black dot, w/ simul-class, GEQ, EV speaker, and reverb. I like the other Marks I've played--the IV and V--but I've never played a III. I have a few questions...

1- How do you switch channels? The amp doesn't come with a footswitch, and from the pics I've seen, I can't see any way of manually switching the channels.

2- Will I be able to get a decent clean and lead without messing with any knobs in between? I know not to expect 3 seamless channels, but I NEED to have a good clean and lead that can be footswitchable. Otherwise, the trade is not worth it. Which leads me to the last question...

3- Am I crazy to trade my Lonestar for the Mark III? I wanted a MV, but decided to put the LS up for trade on craigslist for a MIV. A guy asked if I'd considered a III, and here we are. Should I sell my amp and then shop around, or is this a good trade?

Any advice would be appreciated.
Without a footswitch, you can change channels by pulling the Lead Drive knob for Lead, and pulling the Middle knob for Rhythm 2.
You really should test drive the amp before buying. I've played hundreds of gigs with my Mark III and have no problem with the so-called "shared EQ".
Apparently this is a big deal to some. I had never heard of this "problem" before reading of it on this board, so YMMV.
I have owned a Lonestar as well. If you like fat, Fender Blackface cleans, this is a great amp.
The Mark III cleans are fine, too, but they have more of a midrange "zing" and can be pushed more. IMO, the Lonestar cleans are closer to the Mark Four, but fatter, more scooped.
The Mark III will get you quite a bit more gain on the Lead channel, and the Lonestar won't do metal without at least an EQ pedal to get those scooped mids. The Mark III graphic is made for this.
Think of the Mark III as a dirtier (if you want it), more aggressive version of a Mark IV.
A black dot III is an older version, and thus may need maintenance work.
A hardwood cab is a plus, but how banged-up is it? This can be an indicator of how well it has been taken care of.
Still, I would never buy an amp without playing my guitar through it. :D
MrMarkIII said:
Without a footswitch, you can change channels by pulling the Lead Drive knob for Lead, and pulling the Middle knob for Rhythm 2.
You really should test drive the amp before buying. I've played hundreds of gigs with my Mark III and have no problem with the so-called "shared EQ".
Apparently this is a big deal to some. I had never heard of this "problem" before reading of it on this board, so YMMV.
I have owned a Lonestar as well. If you like fat, Fender Blackface cleans, this is a great amp.
The Mark III cleans are fine, too, but they have more of a midrange "zing" and can be pushed more. IMO, the Lonestar cleans are closer to the Mark Four, but fatter, more scooped.
The Mark III will get you quite a bit more gain on the Lead channel, and the Lonestar won't do metal without at least an EQ pedal to get those scooped mids. The Mark III graphic is made for this.
Think of the Mark III as a dirtier (if you want it), more aggressive version of a Mark IV.
A black dot III is an older version, and thus may need maintenance work.
A hardwood cab is a plus, but how banged-up is it? This can be an indicator of how well it has been taken care of.
Still, I would never buy an amp without playing my guitar through it. :D

This is all good information.

I would like to make one more comment: If you are trading, make sure the other party is giving you some extra money in addition to the amp. The Lone Star has a bit more monetary value than the III, even with the hardwood/wicker cab. The going price for that would be around $1100, and a Lone Star is up around $1400.
That early Mark III black dot version will sound pretty awesome for sure, though! Hell, if you don't want it after awhile you already have another buyer!
Neptical said:
That early Mark III black dot version will sound pretty awesome for sure, though! Hell, if you don't want it after awhile you already have another buyer!

Thanks. That is nice to know in case I pull the trigger.
Looks wise, this is as good as it gets for me--old, wood-wicker, a little beaten up. If it were a IIC+ or IV, there would be no doubt. I just really HAVE TO SWITCH CHANNELS!!! I play out every other weekend, and I am a one amp guy (i.e., poor), so if this thing robs Peter to pay Paul, I'm stuck. It must play well in at least 2 modes.

Isn't this also the amp to have if I were planning on III+ing it?
I have no problem with the III, really..I love it. But I would say if your unsure to hold off for now, especially if you don't get a chance to play it.

pilgrimx said:
Isn't this also the amp to have if I were planning on III+ing it?

That's correct. I've kept both mine all original since I'm quite happy with the tone as they are, so I can't speak from experience on that. There are some folks here who've had the mod done that I'm sure will throw some info out on that for you.

Payne Labs, often advertised at the top of this very page, has foot switches for about $20. But any latched (push on, push off) switch will do. :D
i had the '+' mod done to a blue strip but honestly, my no-stripe still sounds just as good.

What guitar are you playing?
I modded my Ibanez RG/JEM's with a tone knob that works only in pickupselector at position 2,3&4, and I use those with the clean channel on the amp and the tone knob rolled back to taste.
This enables me to use the treble at 10 (if you wish, that produces more gain in the MarkIII) and switch to clean with the rolled back tone knob. This brings you that superb fender clean AND almost total amount of drive the amp can deliver with one step at the footswitch and at the same time you select another settings on your guitar.

I am sure you can do this mod to strats and other superstrats.

Anyway, a test drive is preferred.
I like the tone of the MKIII way better than the MKIV.

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