Mark III Blue Stripe-60/100 - NO GEQ..quite different/review

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Well-known member
Oct 15, 2009
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So, my other guitar player has been convinced and finally broke down and picked up a Mark III 60/100 - No GEQ- Blue Stripe head from GC for $600. I was messing around with his settings yesterday at practice. I've got to say, it's a different beast tonally then both of my Simul- IIIs. I'm not sure if part of it is the tubes or what, but we'll find that out after I have him change out the Ruby 6L6s that came in it. Never ever been a fan of those. And a good mix of 12AX7 ( Tung-Sols,EH/Goldpins/Sovtek LPS); basically what I've been using. There's certainly a big difference with the Non-GEQ/GEQ versions, as the GEQ version adds a great amount of depth to the tones and fills out the bottom very nicely. We even cranked his Boogie/Non-GEQ to get the power section moving and it still fell quite short of of the beefiness the GEQ adds. So, I've recommended that he get a nice external EQ and throw it in the loop. His amp has some nice tones, and you can tell it wants to boogie, but it definitely needs some help. So, after the recommended tube changes and external EQ, that should just about do it. I finally got a chance to really hear the difference of these in person. Will report back after aforementioned it done!
on both my old III and now on my IV I can't imagine not using the EQ.
I mean it doesn't sound BAD without the eq, but it just sounds so much better!
I'm sure an eq pedal in the loop will do the trick.
I love my 60 watt non-eq. It has a vicious cutting tone, but lacks that liquid simulclass sound. You do need to crank the Lead Master to get the power tubes working, it adds alot of mid-range beef. The outboard EQ will add the brootalz for sure, but leaving it off makes it easier to record. The 60/100 sound is more of the "old Metallica" sound to me, being much more violent.

Heres a vid I made awhile back with some settings included:

I have since, ramped up the Lead Master to 5.5 on this video, it's a big difference:

Neither video made with the EQ. Hope that helps.
Oh, doubt; don't get me's still good tone, it just needs that push especially for what we do. It's still hella loud like rest of 'em!

Sonic - Thanks for those videos man, I'll pass 'em along. The second video is pretty close ( as much as I can tell from YouTube) to what I had his sounding like. It's definitely a different tone compared to the Simulclass. When you get those EL34s in there, it really richens it up alot...and seems to get the amp tighter from what I've noticed.

I'm really curious to see what we can do with the external EQ and a different varitey of tubes. Probably gonna be playing with his amp more then he will. :lol:
I have some older videos on my channel running the EQ in some (pretty standard) scooped V's with an MXR 6-band, but i've noticed through recording it adds some mushy flub in the bottom end, but does definitely add the +X db of sweet boost in those frequencies. I've found a soft V setting is really awesome these days to bring out the Boogie. 3 years of having this amp and I'm still finding tone left and right! Just mess with it and i'm sure you guys will hit the daaaaanger zone!

Edit: It should be noted in my older videos I was deliberately going for a deathcore tone, as my band was more heavily influenced by bands like JFAC at the time, though I have always strived for tone like Petrucci.
Hey Sonic, are you playing both videos thru a single EV speaker?

That first video is one of the really good MkIII no EQ demos...especially when sit down with your guitar to start playing and your fly is wide open. :oops: :lol: 8) j/k bro!!
Nope, totally playing through a junky Marshall MG412 on both vids. I have tons of great guitars and amps lying around and not a single decent cab.

I need a Mesa cab like whoa.

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