Mark IIC question - Pull Deep

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Well-known member
Jun 20, 2005
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Does anyone know what the deal is with the IIC's that have the Pull Deep "markered out" on the face plate? The s/n is 13096.

Thanks for any info.
I am going to take a guess here. Mesa was a very small company and made numerous permutations of their amps. At the time they made one model with different options and having face plates of each one ready every time was difficult for a company their size. They had to use what they had on hand at times and that's why you find marked out labels plugged holes and stuff like that. Most boutique makers today try to run to a higher standard. These were relatively expensive hand made amps at the time and I bet will prove to be highly collectible in the near future.
I have never seen that. By 13,000, actually 12,600 or slightly earlier they had the correct IIC face plate. I have seen the Pull R2 blacked out on IIC's or IIC+'s that were upgraded with an EQ, but otherwise this is wrong. I have 131XX from 8/84 and it has the correct IIC+ faceplate with the pull deep over the master.

The earliest IIC+'s use the leftover IIC faceplates which were Gain Boost over the Master. These are hard to verify 100% unless they are very near 12,500 and a photo of the circuit boards is available.

908SSP does have a valid point. I have seen some wierd things from Mesa, but I have verified the face plate change over, and who made the actual plates for Mesa.
Oh, by the way, is it a pull switch that actually works? If you pull it, it adds an unholy amount of round fat bottom end. Maybe the guy ordered it without this. It was standard for the circuit and worked off the V2B cathode by adding a .15u in series with a 22K resistor.
I owned a MKIIC+ 100 watt head that said "Gain Boost" however it was in fact a "Pull Deep". The lettering was not blacked out. I can't remember the serial number. It was a long chassis head.
I just got this amp a couple of days ago. The "Pull Deep" is blacked out and the knob does not pull out. The tone on this amp is superb. I may call Mesa to see if they have any records.

Thanks for the replies guys.