Mark combos

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Jun 15, 2009
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Hey guys quick question for all the Mark experts out there.

Where the older combos (Mark II and IIIs) are open back?

Are there any advantages to having an open back combo vs closed or ported?

Thanks for your input.
the art of ruin said:
Hey guys quick question for all the Mark experts out there.

Where the older combos (Mark II and IIIs) are open back?

Are there any advantages to having an open back combo vs closed or ported?

Thanks for your input.

All Mark series combos are open-back. You could get closed-back extension cabinets, but the combos themselves were open-back.

Open back results in a more 3d tone. It fills the room more. Open back is best for clean tones.

Closed back does not lose any bass out the back--it all gets projected forward. This results in a punchy tone that is best for rock and metal.
There are very few combo amps that are NOT open-back. Back in the Jurassic Period (1950s), most guys sat down and had their amps in front of them, so having the back open enabled them to hear themselves better.
(Ever notice that the control panel on a Fender tweed Bassman is backwards? It's not when you're behind it.)
Plus, it used less wood so it was cheaper and the amps weighed less, and you had a place to stash your, uh, stash. :D