Mark 25 noise anyone?

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Well-known member
Jan 31, 2015
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All fancy monster cables, no pedals (less the wah, tru bypass), EMG 81/85.... getting a TON of noise with high gain. Clean channel no issue, but say mark 4 or extreme mode with the gain pegged, noisy as ****. Anyone else have this issue? Preamp tube? Or should I get a noisegate. Again, only with high gain.... so I'm thinking maybe just normal as a lot of high gain amps will feedback. I used a noiegate with my Mark 4. Even at low volumes with high gain I'm getting damn a lot of noise here. Anyone else have this with the high gain? Or should I go ahead and retube the puppy. Mesa tubes blow, I was thinking about retubing it anyway... but.. eh. Just curious if anyone else gets a lot of noise just with the high gain. Thanks all.



Mark 5 25

Mark 4 1x12 combo
I'm thinking an ISP decimator may be in my future. Used to own one. Marks tend to be noisy with all that gain on tap. Since my clean channel is whisper quiet, and it's only on gain, that wouldn't point to preamp would it? Just natural high gain hum?
Even on mark 4 mode with the gain completely pegged and the master half way up? No way it's completely quiet on that. I'm talking gain PEGGED, presence high..... master around 12... any high gain amp it gonna have some noise at that eh? The mark series in particular is known for some hum.. I have zero noise without anything plugged in, zero noise on clean, crunch etc with lower gain. It's ONLY the high gain ****, like PEGGED high gain. Woulnd't a bad preamp tube make more noise than just with the pegged gain at high volume?
I know you asked about a Mark V 25, which I do not own, but I do have a Mark V, and it does not have unwarranted noise in the high gain channels, even at loud volume. My Marshall JVM, on the other hand, has serious hiss in the OD channels at high volume.