LSS With Amp Stand

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May 20, 2006
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I am reviving the "lss, does it cut it live" post. That thread went off on a tangent.

I have the LSS 1X12. I was concerned about the lss live, or in a band situation. I tried the 35 Watt optional output (with 30 watt setting) before, and it did make a difference, but the other players told me they have a hard time hearing me.

Last night, however, I gigged with the amp on an amp stand. Really helped cut through, and that was with another guitar player, a loud drummer, bass, conga and keyboards. And, believe it or not, the clean sounded clean (lss clean, that is) while cutting through because I didn't have to open it up all the way.

Try an amp stand. You'll hear yourself better, too. Just getting the amp off the floor, or pointed upwards a bit helps.

Same experience anyone?
I gigged with a 22w Fender Deluxe reverb for almost 9 years. I played at clubs that held 20 people and in venue's that held 10,000 people. It was in a "modern country" or top 40 country band, but we still got pretty loud and did do some hard rock songs at the clubs and it hung with a loud drummer pretty good.

The only time I ran in to trouble is when we started playing rock and had a REAL small stage, we stated getting an unwanted howl from one of the mics and it was my amp mic bacause the amp wasn't loud enough and it was picking up everything else. A noise gate and everthing was fine.

Thats my $.02 worth.
I have been using my LSS alone for club gigs and have no problem getting the volume. I can't say the clean is sparkling, but I like a little grit in it anyway.

At larger venues it mikes well while still providing good stage volume.
Well whaddya know, the LSS actually works! ;)

Nothing but <3 for my LSS...
I've always found no matter what amp it is, putting it up on an amp stand makes the bottom end disappear. IMO your better off leaving it on the floor and tipping the amp back (the Fender solution).
Like the previous post, Leave it on the floor and tilt it back. I would sometimes put my LSC on an amp stand, and I would lose some bottom end. So I bought one of those amp wedges, and now just leave it on the floor and tilt it back slightly. Now I hear it better, and it retains the bottom end, but you do have to take off the casters.
Actually, a study was done recently involving the floor to amp contact ratio when tilting the amp back and it turns out that the loss of bottom is only a perceived deficiency as compared to the relative loss of bottom when putting an amp on a stand. The loss of bottom is perceived because the sound of the amp is closer to "actual ear level" or "ael" which results in the perception that there is less bass because the ear can only perceive frequencies above 30 hz at a decibel level of 28 or above. When the amp is on the floor, tilted back or not, the perception is that because the floor acts as an extension of the soundwave formula there is more bass, and this is attenuated by the fact that many people actually look at the amp and see the floor at the same time, giving the misperception that there is more bass.

OK, I made all of that up. :D

Yeah, I should try just tilting the amp back and taking off the casters. In fact, I bought the amp stand cause I didn't want to take off the casters. I did notice that with the amp stand, while I could hear better, I was missing some of the balls when using the drive channel.

Thanks for the responses.
I should've added, I still use the amp stand, but now I've removed the extention arms and lean the amp back against the amp stand. To keep the metal legs of the stand from scratching the amp I applied 3\4" wide x 1/2" thick high density weather strip to the face of the amp stand legs.
If you are worried about mud, attentuating the bass a little bit is a GOOD thing, and therefore so is a stand.

In my case, I like the LSS for jazz, and my jazz guitar loves to feed back at around 160 Hz, so the stand should reduce feedback and give a clearer sound. Yeah, I know, the LSS does other sounds well too, but the sound for Jazz clinched the deal for me. The LSS I ordered is supposed to arrive in 5 weeks.

I'm looking at the OnStage RS7000 stand, which I think can handle the weight and seems to fit the LSS 1x12 perfectly. Has anyone tried this stand?
ylo said:
I'm looking at the OnStage RS7000 stand, which I think can handle the weight and seems to fit the LSS 1x12 perfectly. Has anyone tried this stand?

I think that's the one I have. Works great, very stable, more than enough to handle the weight of the LSS 1x12.

You can kinda see it in the background:

I have my 1x12 on top of a 1x12 cab so that might be why I get projection while keeping the low end... but yeah, I don't see where a properly setup stand would take too much away from the tone.
If you want to keep your amp on the floor so you don't lose bass response and want to tilt it back, try the STANDBACK it works great for my LSC 1x12!