LSS clips?

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Mar 9, 2005
Reaction score
Asheville NC

The decision making process goes on..... If you've read any of my earleir posts you know I'm looking at the LSS. Everyone talks about how good the clean channel is but no one so far has had any raves about the distortion and I've heard more than a few complaints about it. I know some of the complaints are from people expecting Hi-gain sounds who don't know what kind of amp they're playing. I just haven't heard any one talking much about the dirt in a positive way.
So does anyone have any clips of good distortion sounds with this amp. Not looking for metal sounds just good tube amp breakup.
I played one at the shop near me and loved the clean sounds but couldn't really dial in anything pleasing with the second channel.

I like the dirt channel a lot I just researched and tried both amps for long periods of time.... I like the break up on the special it's very sweet and saturated... If the special had more power I would have picked it over the classic.
Also make sure you A/B the speakers.. I actually prefer both the classic and the special with vintage 30's over the C90.. A huge difference. The great news is that Mesa will switch the speakers out at no additional charge. The bummer is you can't return the amp but it's still under full warranty.
Hi Chester,
I'll start this by saying, ths is all my opinion and VERY subjective, as it most always is with tone. With my LSS I have no problem getting nice tube breakup and nice thick saturated overdrive. It's all in the guitar, guitar pickup selection, and chan 2 settings. As stated in the LSS manual, (which is available for download on the MESA site now) the controls on this thing are critical. The drive/gain ratio to me has been very ctritical in finding that overdrive sweet spot. Heck, they all are very critical. Too much MID and I'm muddy, too little presence and no sparkle or "cluck", too much presence, to harsh, not enough treble, no life. I only have two guitars, both PRS (a 1993 EGII and 2003 custom22) and it takes a little tweaking for each guitar. This amp really brings out the worst and best of your guitar. As said before, this amp ain't for the metal crowd, but for great classic rock, blues, and country tones, it's hard to beat. As far as settings, I have found these general areas work best on chan 2 for full thick overdrive: Drive switch on with drive approx. 1:00, gain approx. 3:00, treb 10:00, mid 8:00, bass 8:00, presence 11:00 (gives a little more "cluck"), and some nice dose of master vol. TURN THE EFFECTS LOOP SWITCH IN THE BACK TO LOOP OUT. This way you you can control the volume with the Mater and to my ears it has more punch with effects loop out.. Also, take the speaker connection and hook it into the 35 watt connection on back. Start in 30 watt mode and switch to normal . Flip to thick and thicker. As you shift down 30 - 15 - 5, you will need to re-tweak. Hopes this helps. Again, just my opinion and ears.
Mesa will take back the Celestion 90 and replace it with a V-30? Or do you have to preorder it that way?