LSS 8ohm optional load

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Well-known member
Mar 12, 2006
Reaction score
Sydney, Australia
10.) If you are using the amplifi er with both Channels set to the 30 watt output setting, try connecting an 8 ohm load to the OPTIONAL (8 ohm) jack. This scheme provides a bolder, snappier response and increases overall power and headroom making this scheme preferable for certain styles...

This quote came from the LSS manual.
When they say "8 ohm load" are they talking about an extension cab, or is there a different way to connect an 8 ohm load that isn't a speaker?

Anyone run the amp this way? And does it wear power tubes quicker, slower?

I picked up my new LSS yesterday: it's gorgeous. I think I'll wait a while before connecting the G-Sys, and just enjoy the beautiful tone.

Mark :D
I only run my LSS head with the 8 ohm out. Better headroom and it just sounds better to me. I haven't noticed any difference in tube life from running through the different speaker outputs.
No, they do not mean an extension cab.
The 30 watt, 4 x EL-84 LoneStar Special has a speaker jack labeled "Optional".
Plug the internal speaker in here, for 35 watts.
Hey guys. I read the manual but, being the dumb-rs that I am, wasn't certain whether they meant just change the internal speaker over to the optional jack or to put something else in addition to the internal speaker.

While I'm still here, has anyone changed tubes in the LSS? Is it easy to get around that wire grille on the back or do you unscrew it (I assume by unscrewing the 4 screws on the back panel)?

Thanks again