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Active member
Jul 8, 2007
Reaction score
Cornwall UK
I picked up my new LSC 2x12 today. My history is complicated. Two and a half years ago my beloved Fender The Twin (1994 Evil) died after more than 10 years. I tried to replace it but the only (3 channel amp) available at a reasonable cost was a Marshall JCM 2000 TSL 100. I tried the combo but after several returns to Marshall regarding loose things inside I settled on a TSL 100 and 1936 2x12 cab. I rehearsed and gigged with this for over 2 years. The TSL is good but not "sexy" in any mode. Clean is OK. Crunch is best. Lead is OK. After 2 years I decided to find a combo again. I wanted a Lonestar but settled on Express 5:50 2x12. Nice sounds but very noisy and many internal rattle problems. I have at last exchanged it for a Lonestar (2007 10/50/100) model. What an amp!! Clean is much "chunkier" than Express. Lead (blues) is fantastic and sustain (drive) is excelent with humbuckers. The whole amp is quiet and sensitive. A great choice for every day but not metal.

The moral to this tail! Try to ge the amp you realy want. Changing from Marshall TSL to Lonestar has cost me a fortune but I am now happy. 10W mode is superb but in all honesty I really cannot live without the clean headroom of a 100W valve (Tube) amp. Overdrive and distortion can be added but clean cannot. The Lonestar is the BEST clean amp I have ever heard.

Sorry to rant on but it really is that good.
Welcome to the lonestar state! When I got mine I think I played on the clean channel for a month!
That clean also does pedals very well! Imagine how crummy a pedal would sound on a thin lifeless amp.
Overdrive and distortion can be added but clean cannot.

Ditto. The clean channel is just amazing, and the drive channel is more than workable as-is or with pedal assistance (which I actually don't use in my current config).

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