loud popping noise when I change to channel 2

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Well-known member
Apr 10, 2006
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is that just the nature of the amp (dual recto) or is something wrong?

thanks in advance 8)
Mine used to do that but try waiting till the amp is warmed up and before you switch anytthing let it warm up with the 2nd channel and the fx on and then once you have up standby off...go to clean and then your good.
Mr.Hetfield said:
Mine used to do that but try waiting till the amp is warmed up and before you switch anytthing let it warm up with the 2nd channel and the fx on and then once you have up standby off...go to clean and then your good.

thanks for the reply but that's not it.

it happens regardless of how long I've been playing (and the tubes are sufficiently heated
My Dual Recto always has a pretty loud POP the first time i go to channel 2. After that the pops are fairly quiet. I just chalked it up to "nature of the beast".
i agree...my boogie does the same thing. but usually its one big initial pop the first time u switch over, then the rest r faint.
I warm mine up on channel two.....and it never, ever pops. I used to warm it up on channel one, and then whenever I switched to 2, or 3 I'd get a huge pop.

I've noticed that each recto is a bit different. I guess I got lucky.
ChrisRocksUSA said:
is that just the nature of the amp (dual recto) or is something wrong?

thanks in advance 8)

Mine does that before it's warmed up. I called Mesa about it and yeah, that's what they do. Some seem to stop popping after they warm up a bit while others seem to always pop judging by what I've read here...
first pop is caused by built up static in the switch. recurrent popping is a problem with the relay and shouldnt happen as far as i know. talk to boogie.
i had that problem with my tripple rect, the popping would happen regardless of how long id be playing. it has to do with the build up of electricity and the release of it = the loud pop. i had to send my amp to a third party to get fixed since mesa tried to tell me its normal, when MY amp out of the whole guitar center store was the only one making that incredibly loud pop. im not sure what the tech guys did to fix it, but whatever it was they got rid of that popping.

all i have to say is, if you send it to mesa be prepared to have them send it back to you with the problem not fixed ;/
I have a triple channel dual rectifier and have had the same problem. I called Tim McKee at Mesa shortly after I bought it in 2002 and he told me that the popping is normal and that it does not harm your amp. He explained to me that when the amp is turned on that it can develop a small static charge and that when you switch channels for the first time it will sometimes make that popping sound which is the static charge being released. It should not occur again while the amp is still on.
G.I.G. said:
I have a triple channel dual rectifier and have had the same problem. I called Tim McKee at Mesa shortly after I bought it in 2002 and he told me that the popping is normal and that it does not harm your amp. He explained to me that when the amp is turned on that it can develop a small static charge and that when you switch channels for the first time it will sometimes make that popping sound which is the static charge being released. It should not occur again while the amp is still on.

I guess mine is just fucked then

that pop occurs everytime I switch to channel 2 :(
can i ask a question i guess is on everyones mind - is it only the 3 channel versions or the older dual recs too?