Loss of volume on Rec Pre

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Well-known member
Jun 29, 2006
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I was wondering if anyone has had this issue before. I recently acquired a Mesa Rectifier Preamp and Marshall power amp to add to my rig. I've been tweaking and configuring for a couple of days now.
For some reason, half way through today, I lost alot of signal. Through to trial and error, I found out it was the Rec Pre which had lost a heap of volume. What would cause this? Dead tubes? I'm relatively new to the world of tubes so any help would be appreciated!!

there are thousands of answers but they will be just guessings.
Send a mail to mesa they will not guess they will fix it.
I'll give it a shot. I was hoping to sort this by tonight but it's not looking hopeful. It's just this would've been the first jam tonight with this rig and we won't be jamming/gigging again til next year :cry:

I'm currently troubleshooting. I bought a spare 12ax7. One valve out, new one in. One valve out, new one in. Half way and no luck so far :(
try taking a signal from the effects send or messing with the mix control on the loop. You could have a bad cable if you haven't thought of that already. These things are easy to troubleshoot you just have to be systematic about it. Certain tubes will affect the preamp as a whole: like V1 for the input, the effects loop tube, output tube (if it even uses a tube for that). I suggest getting the manual out and reading up on it for possible solutions. The manual should label what each tube does so you won't necessarily have to waste your time pulling a tube that is not even being activated. Check the easy things first: fuse, cords, settings, footswitch buttons, make sure the tubes are lit up.

You might also want to pull the lid off to see if anything became loose inside. Don't go poking your hands around there but use something non conductive (like a chop stick or a knitting thinga ma bobber). You can use the chopstick to tap around on the PCB to see if the sound jumps back. If it does then you can probably assume a bad solder joint somewhere. An easy way to test things out is to put a cd player to the input and just repeat a song that does not have any drop outs. Take a cord from the effects send and see if you get a signal. If you get a signal there then you know the problem lies after the send and you can troubleshoot further from there. I can type tons of things to check but i hope you can get it fairly quickly.

I think the problem is simple like a bad tube, bad connection, bad cable, etc. Good luck. If all else fails take it to a boogie dealer or trusted amp tech. Some of the local boogie repair guys may be clueless so be careful who you choose to leave your stuff with.
Thankyou for your reply. I had no luck with the tube shootout. One thing I've spotted when I took it apart was it appears the power supply has been changed. I reckon this was a 120v changed to 240v. Whether it's related to this, I'm not sure.
Fortunately I have a pretty good tech I could take it too. He hasn't worked on one of these but he's worked on plenty of Mesas and he's pretty switched on. Just extra cost esp if the power supply needs replacing!
I also noticed some of the tubes weren't boogie ones. One was JJs and I think one was an EH. I'm assuming the different brand tubes shouldn't make a difference? Looks like I might be waiting til the new year now. :(
I've dropped it into my tech. Also noticed the brightness switch and the -3db switch don't appear to be functioning. Seems like it might need a good servicing.

Now I sit and wait. :?
I've still yet to get my unit back :shock: but it's meant to be in the next day or so. Supposedly the rear section of the switching unit died for some reason. Had to wait for parts from the US. My tech is currently trying to work out exactly why it died so it doesn't repeat the same fate.

This has been a hell of a long wait!!! esp cause I bought the thing in Nov!!

Maybe someone messed up the install of the power supply if it was a 120V model. I don't know what you mean by "the rear section of the switching unit" but I hope that your unit works as you've been waiting sometime to get it up and running. I myself and waiting for something to ship to me (i won it off Ebay in Sept!!!!) but through being lost in the mail system and recovered I don't know if it will make it. I know what it's like to wait for something that you want :)

It's a Peavey Odyssey (USA made around 90' or 91') that is a neck through and has a coil tap. It's a hybrid of PRS, Tele, and Les Paul which is kind of weird looking at first but they play pretty well. I paid $500 USD with OHSC but the guitar was in near mint condition so that's why I was excited to buy it as most of them are kind of beat up. Here's a link to a recent Ebay ad that isn't as clean as the one I bought just to give you an idea:


If I don't get the guitar for whatever reason then I will either save for a PRS or get an LP studio with ebony fret board.

Cause of the problem. A loose screw fell into the internals of the amp and shorted out the switching section. A previous owner had used different screws to Mesa. Why I don't know :? So make sure your screws are good (no pun intended :lol: )
So my switching section has had a full rebuild and the preamp is back to new. At last!!

Now I've gotta wait to get my Gmajor that went awol in the post and I'm replacing my Marshall EL100100 power amp with a Mesa 2:90. Very excited :D
Good news at least there isn't a bad pre floating around on ebay it's good that you took the time to get it fixed. The recto 2:100 power amp would probably be more fitting for the Recto Pre but the 2:90 will be more than good enough for the job.

Cheers. And yes the 2:100 is meant to be more suited for the Rec Pre but they're extremely scarce in Australia. Esp secondhand as the price of a new one over here is insane!
I was extra excited about getting the 2:90 because I just realised it does the modern switching mode to adjust the negative feedback for the rectifier tone. I thought that was only in the 2:100.
Stoked! (just the G Major delivery is letting me down now :(

disassembled said:
If I don't get the guitar for whatever reason then I will either save for a PRS or get an LP studio with ebony fret board.


I love my LPS with ebony board. If I close my eyes it is similar to a LP Custom without feeling the binding of course and feeling the rawness of the ends of the frets. I don't really like binding so that isn't a big deal.