Lonestar Special and OD/DS pedals

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Chris F

Well-known member
Jun 12, 2007
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I just got my first mesa, which is the LSS :D . I was wondering if anyone has tested out any of these pedals on it:

- Z Vex Box of Rock
- Carl Martin Hot Drive'n'Boost
- Homebrew Electronics Big D
- Fulltone OCD
- Fulltone Fulldrive II

Do you prefer to run such pedals through Ch 1 or to push Ch 2?

Look forward to input :!:

I use amp with no pedals at all. Cant be of help with those specific ones, i am sure they will work great. With the slight mods i made the distortion is great.

The best thing i did was put a celestion blue in my LSS 1x12 and it sounds like heaven :lol: . Been playing for past three days and have not even plugged in my Strat, just have been using my Ibanez w\ humbuckers never sounded better with this amp..4am..5am no problem in 5watt mode for ZZTop\Zep tone. Crank the gain dont need too much drive anymore, lower bass and crank the presence, treble and reverb.

Big difference on drive channel especially with humbuckers. Oh, yeah the other things i changed was TAD power tubes and two NOS tubes for V1 (i think V1, whever first drive stage is) and reverb...sweeeeet. Great recording boutique (sp) sound.

With these mods i just will be looking at other pedals than distortion, maybe H2O.

er, dont know if this helps but it works for me :p

Good luck with the amp.
Well I have the fulldrive - and that's a great one for it, but I've yet to put it in front of a tube amp and have it sound bad.

As for Ch 1 vs Ch 2, it depends on how you run ch 2 - if you have drive mode on (any of them), the od will start pushing you past what I look for in OD pedals. With regards to the FD specifically, the boost on it will basically put you in fuzz territory (kinda sweet actually, it's like 2 peds in one).

So - with that, I use it with the OD almost all the way off on Ch 1 (so I can get clean and *slight* breakup), and then on Ch 2 I'll generally use the amp's gain in "normal" drive mode (since it's so sweet), and use the FD ch 2 to get fuzz tones if necessary.

Hope that helps.
Maybe it is just me, but I cannot envision using a pedal on such a great sounding amp. The sound choices are pretty varied if you spend some time trying out the various combinations of power, gain/drive, and tone controls.

About the only thing I feel like I want to use is a compressor and a delay in the effects loop.

Just my $.02
I think playing with less pedals is just a concept I have to get used to. The more I fiddle with the channels on the LSS, the more happy I am with the sounds I get from it. I was slightly dissapointed with the overdriven tones on my first evening of playing, but all it took was experimenting.

I was considering stripping my previous habbits down to one OD/DS pedal for added flexibility and tone. :D
The OCD works wonderfully with the LSS, either channel.

It won't color the amp, only add the desired level of overdrive. A nice tool to help tweak the tone.
I'm terribly excited that I've finally got a Hermida Zendrive in train to try with the LSS. Should get it in a few weeks.

The thought of getting the LSS clean, the LSS overdrive and something akin to a Dumble overdrive all from the one amp has me bouncing up and down like an 8 year old.

Will report back on the combination after it arrives :D
Look forward to getting a report on that one :D How much do they set you back $$? This is also what I am looking for....one OD/DS pedal which will complement the amp !!
$179 and a 12 month wait!

Or you can buy one for double that on eBay...
12 months wait....I can understand why you are jumping up and down like an 8-year old, probably hanging in the window waiting for the USPS or UPS truck to roll up.... I would!!

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