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thegaindeli said:
So does this mean that an actual Mark IV amp sounds the same as a Mark IIC+ with an EQ? :?

Not exactly. I had a very early MkIVA that could get very close in its lead channel, but there was a difference in the way the amp responded to pick attack in a side by side comparison. The clean channel on the C+ was much more "juicy". NEVER trust your own memory, much less someone else's. The A/B test is the only way to get it right.

thegaindeli said:
Makes perfect sense too me. Looks like a MK II, and a MK IV running together may just be the ultimate rig. Yours is a sweet rig for sure! :D I want to find a wicker cab for my MK IIC+ also. BTW - I plugged an MXR eq into the MK II's loop today for the first time... WOW! (Need thumbs-up icon).

That picture is at least 2-3 years old at the minimum. I tried out several MkIII and MkIV amps wanting a 3 channel version of the C+. I gave up after around 8 amps or so. The Xotic RC Booster with my C+ Lead Drive turned down to 3-4 has given me what I've been looking for. I got away from open back cabs, also.