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Oct 10, 2010
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I'm trying to set up a new rig w/ my Triaxis. Previously, I've used only 20/20s but am considering a 2:90 so I can gain the benefit of the voice switching. My concern is that, even at 1/2 power, I'm going to have to run the 2:90 at a really low level (I rarely turn up the 20/20s past 50%). This gets into an area I don't understand well: how power amps respond to being driven at various levels. I understand that preamps sound dramatically different when driven. Is the same not true of power amps? My basic question is: will the 2:90 sound "wimpy" if I can't turn it up past 10-15% (especially given that I'd have it on 1/2 power already).

Am I better off just sticking to my 20/20s?

In the old days, Page, Hendrix et al would turn their Marshall Plexis to wall-shaking volume to get the POWER section to distort. That tone is... sick, to say the least. I experienced it (no pun intended) once and I've never been the same since.

Over the years, big thanks to Randall Smith, amps with more preamp gain stages started becoming the new way of distorting the signal - by slamming the PREAMP tubes with signal. That didn't need so much volume, but it sounded as nasty as it should.

Today, heads use preamp distortion, power amp distortion comes in very late - when you're playing horrendously loud. I usually use OD2 orange on my Marshall JVM410H, and I got the chance to crank it once - the tone wasn't very different (for a metal rhythm tone), it had a little more grit and compression.

Not to steer away from your question: I assure you, the 2:90 won't sound "wimpy" at any level. It sounds like a Mesa should, musical, organic, LOUD, always defined. If driving the poweramp is your deal, there's always the HALF DRIVE feature on the 2:90...

I have no experience with the 20/20, but if you can, try the 2:90 and see if you like it, that's the best way of determining whether something is right for you! :wink:

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