I'm trying to set up a new rig w/ my Triaxis. Previously, I've used only 20/20s but am considering a 2:90 so I can gain the benefit of the voice switching. My concern is that, even at 1/2 power, I'm going to have to run the 2:90 at a really low level (I rarely turn up the 20/20s past 50%). This gets into an area I don't understand well: how power amps respond to being driven at various levels. I understand that preamps sound dramatically different when driven. Is the same not true of power amps? My basic question is: will the 2:90 sound "wimpy" if I can't turn it up past 10-15% (especially given that I'd have it on 1/2 power already).
Am I better off just sticking to my 20/20s?
Am I better off just sticking to my 20/20s?