shogun said:
WTF! Why didn't you return it ? Is this your first day on Ebay?? :x
I am not sure if it was SOLD as IS-No returns, but it sure sounded like it. Ebay will
always side with the seller if it is Sold as is, that is a sad but true reality. Think what
sold as is means.
Amp for sale, just tried it works perfectly.
No returns-Sold as is.
Your complaint is it was not working when I got it. Yet even he indicated channel four worked and three sort of worked.
That is not DOA. Works perfectly is also subjective, your amp might work perfectly but I might not like it. It is sad what
ebay has turned into. Yet if a seller offers you a chance to send it back, half the time it is cheaper to get it repaired than
to send it back. Take the discount, pay less to get it fixed and you have a working item.
I am not by any means sticking up for the sellers that exploit buyers. Yet I had an amp that did not work when I
received it and Pay Pal protection is not much protection at all. I reported it after trying to work it out. He stated
it was used and sold as is. He won, I lost. What are you going to do. Thankfully I repaired it for less than forty bucks
and sold it for almost twice what I paid, in my posting was Works perfectly, 24 hour return policy you pay shipping.
I am about done selling on ebay. Done buying also. With over 200 transactions and 100% feedback, it is only a matter of
time with the new rules that I will have more and more bad experiences.