Lamb Of God - Black Label (Mesa Boogie Mark IV Clip)

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Well-known member
Jun 6, 2007
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I have received about 15 requests in the past 3 months to record a Lamb of God clip. I received some inspiration about an hour and a half ago and decided to give it a shot. I put the drums together and decided to lay down some bass and guitars over it.

This clip is VERY rough (and not recorded in its entirety). I listened to the song about 3 times and gave it a whirl. I will say that it isn't 100% in terms of performance. I don't play this kind of music very much at all anymore so my "alternate chug picking" is not really up to snuff. I mainly did this clip for tone purposes. There are definitely many players on this board that can play circles around me with this style of music.

I'm not 100% happy with the mix but thought it turned out okay.

What are your thoughts?

Also uploaded at
Awesome stuff!

Could I ask for settings? :D

And if you don't mind me asking, what was the recording method? Did you do two takes, and then pan left and right? Or was it a single take?

Thanks alot!
So far so good! The guitars sound menacing. It's amazing how much better lamb of god sounds without the singer (IMO).

Thanks for sharing.
ibanez4life SZ! said:
Awesome stuff!

Could I ask for settings? :D

And if you don't mind me asking, what was the recording method? Did you do two takes, and then pan left and right? Or was it a single take?

Thanks alot!

Here's the settings:

Lead Gain (pulled)- 7.5
Treble- 7.5
Mids- 3
Bass- 1
Presence- 3
Lead Drive- 7

Schecter Hellraiser -> Mesa Boogie Mark IV short head -> Bogner 2x12 w V30s -> Sennheiser e609 and Shure 57 -> M-Audio Mobile PRE USB -> N-Track 5.

Yamaha bass -> Tech 21 SansAmp Bass Driver DI -> Mobile Pre USB -> N-Track 5.


Bass and guitars were all 1 take each. Bass down the middle. The guitars each 1 track split hard left and right.
MetalMatt said:
So far so good! The guitars sound menacing. It's amazing how much better lamb of god sounds without the singer (IMO).

Thanks for sharing.

I find getting a LoG tone is easier without the GEQ. It already has that "sound" I can't really describe that steers toward getting their tone imo.
Hmm... not to be harsh, but I don't think this sounds very good. It's mostly the mix, the bass & drums are way too loud. The guitar is too far back in the mix. The tone is pretty good though, not quite LOG, but darn close. Their tone is a bit more in your face I think.
I'm new to the forums and I've been browsing and listening to some clips, and I just had to bump this one 'cause it's just really awesome. I dig it a lot.

Care to share what mics you use/how you position them?

I'm on the hunt for a Studio Preamp, can it get this heavy?
Markdude said:
I'm on the hunt for a Studio Preamp, can it get this heavy?

Yes, definately. It's somewhat rawer and more aggressive at some point, but it can definately get these kinds of tones.

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